Friday’s Odds and Ends

America’s schools lose up to $175 billion a year through inefficient spending. And people are just now asking for financial accountability? According to an editorial in The Dallas Morning News, the same advocacy groups that called for academic accountability in school districts are now focusing on spending.

I wonder what took them so long.

Was it too much to ask that Christina Aguilera  sing the National Anthem as written, and maybe memorize all the words before performing in front of millions of people at the Super Bowl? It is embarrassing to hear so many celebrities butcher a song that is not all that hard to sing. My suggestion to future Super Bowl planners, select a young singer from one the the host city’s school choirs to do the honors.

Speaking of Super Bowls. Dallas Mayer Pro-Tem, Dwaine Caraway gave Michael Vick the key to the city during  festivities leading up to the big game. That raised this question form a Dallas Morning News editorial, “Can any criminal with no discernible connection to Dallas get a key to the city?”  Dallas Morning News columnist Jacqueline Floyd  took issue with the fact that Caraway “hailed Vick as a hero.” She pointed out that there is a vast difference between “forgiveness” and “adoration.”

I’m just wondering why Caraway decided to honor Vick instead of one of the players from Pittsburgh or Green Bay who had come to play the game.

The city of Plano, Texas is looking for a new city manager and have hired a search firm to handle the selection process. Apparently they have narrowed the search to five people, one of whom said he never applied. The chief executive of the search firm had this to say I response, “He knew he was an applicant. We can’t just grab resumes off the Web.”

Uh, excuse me. Has he not heard of

According to a story in the Minneapolis Star Tribune last week, a woman was arrested after trying to send a puppy through the mail in a box. Supposedly it was to be a birthday gift for a relative in another state, but as the Minneapolis police officer said, “Some gift a dead puppy would have been.”

No kidding.

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5 thoughts on “Friday’s Odds and Ends”

  1. I’m sorry, I had to laugh at the policeman.
    It was reported that the Nat’l Anthem went off perfectly 1 hour before — maybe she choked or maybe someone else was singing.

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