Guest Blogger Tomorrow

I’m pleased to announce that author, Robert Bennett, will be my guest here tomorrow. He will share how he “accidentally” came into the writing game. Many of us have taken unusual routes to our writing careers, but his was literally an accident.

Robert  is a social worker and writer who focuses on issues of disability. His articles, which appear in both local and national publications, have spanned a wide range of topics. He has spoken to groups of physical therapy students, church members and senior citizens, and has appeared on several radio programs. In writing about the issues people with disabilities are involved with he feels he has learned a very important lesson, “It is the act of truly living and believing in yourself that is important, not the manner in which that action is undertaken.” 

Blind Traveler Down a Dark River is the story of Douglas Abledan, a blind man using a GPS unit to navigate the world. One day the device malfunctions. He stumbles upon the scene of a murder about to take place. Due to the confusion caused by the failure of his technology, it isn’t until he hears a radio announcer reporting an accidental shooting that pieces start falling into place. Unable to convince authorities to look into the matter, he launches his own investigation.

You can find out more about this book and his next on Robert’s website at  And I do hope you will come back tomorrow to meet Robert.

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