Pretty Pictures

My Liitle Barn

Instead of doing one of my usual rants about something, I thought I would just share some pictures I took this morning.

Texas has some of the most beautiful sunrises and sunsets that I have ever seen, and this morning was a great one. I’m glad my animals woke me up in time to see this and capture some of it.

We had several inches of snow here the other day, and it is so cold the snow is hanging around. My horse does not seem to mind it at all, as long as there is hay coming.

Our dog, Poppy, isn’t bothered by the snow either, unless her ball disappears.

As any photographer knows, you can take a hundred shots before you get a special picture. Of all those I took this morning, I think this one is the best.

This one is kind of interesting. I played with cropping just a corner of a larger picture.

This process of finding just the right image is not unlike the challenge of finding just the right words to create an image in writing. Both take patience and perseverance.

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6 thoughts on “Pretty Pictures”

  1. I have a friend who has a friend who might live close to you (although I have no idea where he lives). My friend sent me some pictures that his friend took and they were similar to you in that the sky was a beautiful red. I so wanted to steal his pictures and put them on my blog, but I didn’t (and I won’t steal yours either).


  2. Thanks, Mason and Helen. Helen, if you would like to “borrow” the pictures for your blog, please do. LOL

    I think this red sky was visible for more than a few miles here in East Texas, Helen, so your friend could live just down the road or “down the road a piece.”

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