New Award

Carole Kilgore over at Under the Tiki Hut gave me this lovely Picasso Award the other day. In her blog, she said it reminded her of spring, a season that many of us who have had lots of snow are really looking forward to.

I appreciate her thoughtfulness in passing this on to me. Now I am supposed to tell seven things about me – and this time there is no true or false – and pass the award on to other bloggers.

So here goes.

1. I was once a roller-skating car hop. If you ever see a rerun of Happy Days, that wasn’t me in the opening credits, although I wish it were. Just think of the residuals I could still be taking in.

2. I watch all the Olympic events, even if they are sports I would never otherwise be interested in. I’m a real sucker for the competitive spirit, although I wish the commentators would shut up sometimes. Actually, a lot of times.

3. I won my first writing award when I was 12.

4. So, it’s not a surprise that I have wanted to be a writer since I was a child.

5. My husband is my best friend.

6. I love to work outdoors and can spend hours playing farmer. That is why the cold weather has got to go away. I am ready to dig and plant and sow and reap.

7. I was bitten by the acting bug a few years ago and now you can’t keep me off the stage. Except when practicality wins out and I realize I should stay home with my best friend instead of going to daily rehearsals for six weeks.

Now I will pass this on to a few other bloggers:

LuAnn Morgan at Reading Frenzy
Ginger Simpson at Dishin It Out
Terry O’Dell at Terry’s Place
Morgan Mandel at Double M’s take on books, blogs, dogs, networking & life

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7 thoughts on “New Award”

  1. Thanks so much for the award. I hope you’ll forgive me for not passing it on right away — I think I’m at least 2 awards behind, if not more, and am swamped with the move.

  2. Thank you so much, but I can’t do anything with this until after my February Love Fest is over. I have someone booked for every day this month, and I dare not intrude on their blog time. I’ll try to remember to do this sometime in March, but not the first, since Katie Hines will be beginning a blog tour. *lol*

  3. Thanks for stopping by ladies. I understand about being busy and almost didn’t pass this on to you, but I thought of you both,

    Helen, I was scared of getting on stage for years, even though I wanted to. I just kept telling myself I was just as happy directing a show, but that is totally different from being on stage.

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