You’re Never Too Old For Romance


I’m participating in a blog carnival today with other authors at the ClassicRomance Revival site, and the theme is Moments in Time. Authors will be offering prizes – winners drawn from visitors commenting on their blogs.

Grand Prize: An ARC hamper from participating authors. To qualify for the prizes you must be registered for the contest – so we can contact you when you win (a lot of prizes go unclaimed due to incorrect contact information) To join in the fun visit the Classic Romance Blog

There are lots of Moments in Time that I could write about, but I thought because this is Valentines Day, I should write about love and romance.

Some people dread the approach of what is billed as the most romantic day of the year. This can be especially true for some of us of a certain age.

There were times long ago that I could really get into the spirit of Valentines Day. I did special dinners with candlelight and music. I had a body that actually looked good in a slinky little thing with lace and silk. We discovered that whipped cream didn’t always have to be used in the kitchen. And we were still young and fit enough to spend more than fifteen minutes on bedroom activity that didn’t involve sleeping or reading. But after we had thirty or so years into this relationship, I thought those things were just history. That getting older meant we didn’t focus so much on the romance of the relationship.

That thinking changed when I wrote Play it Again, Sam, my woman’s novel that features an older couple finding love again. One of the best Moments in Time for Sam and Frank was when he was making up for being a total jerk after their first date. It starts with Frank taking a quarter-page ad in the Dallas Morning News inviting Sam to a special event at the skating rink at the Galleria Mall the following evening.

The next day, Sam receives a single red rose and another message, “Please come.”

That evening, Sam arrives at the rink to discover that Frank has rented the entire rink, hired musicians and had a special dinner catered. Their “making-up” dinner is witnessed by shoppers who look down on the rink and cheer as Sam is seated at the elegantly set table.

As Sam’s friend, Margaret says, “I like the way this man says he’s sorry.”

So don’t ever make the mistake I did and think you are too old for romance.

One of the fun aspects of this Blog Carnival is the opportunity to win free books by visiting the sites of the authors participating in the carnival. I’m giving away a copy of Play It Again, Sam, so overwhelm me with entries. LOL

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26 thoughts on “You’re Never Too Old For Romance”

  1. What a lovely story. My husband passed away two years ago, but I always remember how thoughtful he was. He never forgot important days-the day we met, anniversaries, birthdays, or valentines day. I still remember this big man with a bouquet of yellow roses he had gathered from his mom’s garden to give to me. Romantic-yes to the day he died and I loved every minute of it.

  2. Thanks for sharing your story about your husband, Ruby. He obviously was very special.

    And you are right, Tracy. People in their eighties do find romance. My father married his third wife when he was 81. It was his experience that inspired me to write the short story that is in the One Touch, One Glance Anthology.

  3. No matter the age love and romance can still have a strong hold to our hearts.I don’t think you can ever be to old for the words I LOVE YOU.It something we all like to hear

  4. Thanks for stopping by, Peggy, and you are so right. We need to say these words more often in our relationships, and not just with our husband or partner. We need to say them to our children and our parents. How many times has someone special died and we wished we had told them more often how much we cared.

  5. I’m visiting here from Carole Kilgore’s blog, (a fellow awardee)! I enjoyed this post. What a cute idea for a book! My husband –er, I– should read it lol!

    I’m adding myself as a follower here so I’ll be back!



  6. Thanks for coming by and for the follow, Karen. I appreciate the support.

    This carnival is fun, and I have enjoyed meeting some new authors who are participating. Hopefully, I will get to all their blogs before it ends.

  7. I am fortunate to have many examples of longevity in marriage in my family. You never get too old for a little romance. It’s usually the little every day things and not the big ones that mean the most (not that the big ones aren’t nice too). 😀

  8. It’s amazing what we teach ourselves when we write someone else’s story, isn’t it? 😉

    (I’m not here for the drawing since I’ve already read it! — just being nosy about what all the other carnival authors came up with for the theme.)

  9. I’ve never been particularly fond of Valentine’s Day as a ‘romantic’ holiday. I loved it in school when we traded valentines–getting the candy and the goofy cards boys gave to girls because they had to but as oddly pun’ed as possible–but I never thought it was right for it to be labeled the ‘most romantic day of the year’ since why conform to that? Make a random tuesday in August your own most romantic day!

    I’m not of an older age, I’m only 26, but sometimes it feels like the romance is gone from my 6yr relationship…then my boyfriend will get me something silly (Zombie Christmas Carols for instance) and sing them to me or he drew a Valentine’s Card with a zombie offering his heart and saying “I offer my heart to you Valentine…”. Seems unromantic, but I love Zombies so they’re perfect.

  10. I think romance is designed for older couples.
    Once you have dealt with raising the kids and paying off the mortgage you can invest some quality time in romancing one another.

  11. Wonderful story.
    We are never too old but sometimes too late because we let so many things stand in the way.
    God’s been teaching me a lot about making the most of the moment.
    Nice to meet you, Maryann.
    Thank you for entering my recent contest! You Won!

  12. Hi Maryann, As an avid romance novel reader for too many years to count, I’m a life-long believer in Romance! It’s been a long time since I’ve had a ‘significant other’. Valentine’s Day for me is a time to remind the people I love how much I love them. For me ~ I’ve been known to buy flowers for myself at times thru-out the year, LOL. Hey, romance is where you find it!
    Sara J. ~ : – ]

  13. This is wonderful! So there is hope after all. I’ve been married twice, divorced for more than 10 years. In all that time, I can’t say that I’ve ever had a romantic Valentine’s Day. Perhaps I should include the “ideal” Valentine for me when I write my stories.

  14. Someone asked me why I write romance and I told them because “Love makes the world go round.”

    But yeah, these days it isn’t as great for me, because I lost my sweetie. But I do enjoy watching others and writing about them.
    God Bless

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