Post-Holiday Thoughts

Perhaps you have had enough of holiday related blogs and are just ready to put the whole holiday experience to rest and forge ahead with everything you have to do in 2010. On one level, I’m ready to do that, too. I have some plans for my writing that entail setting some goals and working toward them, so I need to focus on that.

However, there is still a part of me that is a little sad to see it all go away — all the fun and frivolity and excitement that seems to surround us from Thanksgiving until New Years.

Yesterday, I took my tree down and put all the decorations away. I did that with mixed emotions. On one hand, it was good to have that major chore over and done with, but on the other hand I will miss the lights and the glitter of tinsel. And the hand-crocheted tablecloth I received from my sister this year does not look nearly as nice with a spring centerpiece as it did with the reds and golds of the Christmas centerpiece.

One thing that will remain, however, is the wonderful feelings that the holidays evoked. We had such a good time with family visiting. We had great leisurely meals, sharing the latest news from everyone; walks down the road on a crisp sunny afternoon to meet the neighbor’s donkeys; card games that went on and on in a tournament fashion; and lots of goodies.

We also exchanged gifts, and there were some wonderful things given and received, but for me, the greatest gift was the time spent together. Things will wear out, but this will never lose its magic.

What about you? What are your best memories from this year?

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5 thoughts on “Post-Holiday Thoughts”

  1. I’m pleased my teenagers are continuing to do well in school; both on the honour roll! (boasts the proud mother).

    I’m pleased our house withstood a rather large tree falling on it, although I now suffer from ‘fear of wind’.

    Personally? My games royalties were my best ever this year. I’ve two more in the pipe. My novel grew. I wrote a short story. And I entered blogworld; and met all these wonderful writers!!


  2. New Years Eve, playing Apples to Apples at near midnight when I was totally exhausted but my kids wanted to keep going and thank god we did because we were laughing like crazy people. Love those kids!

    Glad you had a good one!

  3. There are times when large family gatherings are a joy, but I was more than happy to spend this year quietly with only my husband in the house. I am rested, content, and have no holiday letdown to deal with. I just may try it again next year. 🙂

  4. JD, sounds like you had fun with your kids. We used to do New Year’s Eve family parties and they were great. Played cards and talked and laughed. Laughing was the best part.

    Quiet evenings just with hubby are great, too, Patricia. But I always feel this pull at holiday times to be with the kids, too. Or at least as many as we can assemble. LOL

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