A Wonderful Book

When I lived in Omaha, Nebraska for almost ten years, one of the highlights of my day was reading the Omaha World Herald. I missed the Dallas Morning News and the Herald did not measure up in lots of ways, but it did contain the work of Jeffrey Koterba, a terrific political cartoonist. He has a sharp wit, and sometimes a profound insight into a current event, and his cartoons always made me smile.

After I came back to Texas and was again reading the Dallas Morning News, I was delighted to sometimes see a Koterba cartoon on the editorial pages. When I saw this ONE after Mary Travers died Sept 17th, I wrote to Jeff to thank him for such a fitting cartoon. I wanted his permission to use it on the blog I wrote about Mary, but he was a little slow to respond. When he did, he apologized for not seeing the message sooner, and told me that one reason was he was busy with a book that is being released early in November.

We e-mailed back and forth a couple of times, and I offered to read the book and possibly review it.

Inklings, which is a memoir, arrived in my mailbox this past Friday, and I made the mistake of picking it up “just to check it out.” I say, “mistake” because I had a terrible time putting it down and I had a really busy weekend that did not include time to read for more than a few minutes at a time.

This is a beautiful book, starting with the writing and continuing with production and cover art. Jeff is as adept with prose as he is with cartooning, and Houghton Mifflin Harcourt always puts out beautiful books.

I will do a full review on Bloggernews.net when I finish the book, but I just had to write about it here, too.

For the benefit of the FTC, I was not compensated for this endorsement of the book. I will donate my review copy of the book to my local library when I am finished with it.

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2 thoughts on “A Wonderful Book”

  1. Thanks for stopping by, Helen. Jeff is not widely known, although his political cartoons are syndicated, but I suspect he will be more popular once his book is in wide release. I am almost finished with it, and it is very good.

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