Paint Me Green

Sometimes I’m jealous of other writers’ success. There, I said it.

When I hear about another sale, especially for big numbers, there’s a little piece of me inside that just wants to whine like a child who didn’t get a piece of the pie. And I’m sure I’m not the only one to have such feelings, but we work hard to keep those childish impulses at bay and even sincerely help someone celebrate good news, whether it be a big sale or winning a prestigious prize or maybe even getting a movie deal.

However, I refuse to celebrate the huge sales and movie deal that Tucker Max received for I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell, which has been on the New York Times best seller list for over 100 weeks.

If you are like me, you may never have heard of Tucker Max. He is a young man who started writing a blog that centered around bodily functions, drinking, and womanizing and it quickly had a large following. That led to his book and now a movie.

I hadn’t heard of him until I read a recent column in the Dallas Morning News by Jaclyn Friedman, a writer and activist. She took him to task for promoting a sexual philosophy where women are “insulted, tricked, coerced, traded, and then discarded.”

What Jaclyn found even more alarming and disgusting was the fact that as Max tours the country visiting colleges and other venues, over half of the people who show up to hear him speak are women. And these women apparently adore him. They will also do some of the most disgusting things to gain his attention, and many of them are apparently willing to sleep with him. One woman did, and then “tattooed an explicit sentence commemorating the event just below her hip bone, thus earning the Holy Grail of any Maxite; an original Tucker Max blog entry featuring her.”

I’m sorry Max. While I can wipe off the green and celebrate the success of the Harry Potter series, and even give James Patterson his due, I refuse to support your success. I’m not sure I even want to call you a fellow writer.

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10 thoughts on “Paint Me Green”

  1. It takes all types, I suppose! This would not be something I’d be interested in. I understand there’s large money targeting this market, but it’s not for me.

    I read your comment on Helen Ginger’s blog – you’re in a play? Which one? I’m curious because I was in the theatre for many years.


  2. Elsbeth, we are doing Daddy’s Dyin’ Whose Got the Will. It is a great show and I am having a ball with it. Since I was the oldest actress that auditioned, I got the part of Mama Wheelis, the 80 year-old grandmother. I knew I looked old, but not that old. 🙂 Got to get my hair dyed gray.

  3. I’m glad Elspeth asked you about the play. I was wondering. Break a leg!

    It boggles the mind why certain books are published and totally baffles me as to why some, like this one, sells and draws in flocks of readers and fans. What has the world come to? And what happened to Women’s Lib – is this the outcome?
    Bah. Humbug. And What the Hay?

    Straight From Hel

  4. Publishing is a business, and publishers are looking to make money. If people weren’t buying, they wouldn’t publish it.

    Sad that talent seems to be low on the list of what makes a ‘good’ author (translates to sales, not the writing). Sarah Palin has a first print run of 1.5 million for her hastily put together memoir (and I’m not even going to ask who wrote or edited it).

  5. Terry, my dismay is not with the publisher. I know that they are in business to make money, although I wonder sometimes to what lows we will sink in pursuit of that almighty dollar. But a lot of what is being published today to make money, even erotica, is not a debasing and exploitative as this from Tucker Max.

  6. Thanks for stopping by, Patricia. The sad thing is that many young people are reading the book. Sigh.

    The play is fun. Great cast and a really good story. Some laughs and some tender moments. My kind of show.

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