Getting the Shot

I remember when I used to do PR work and would go out on a photo shoot with a photographer to get pictures for a brochure or annual report, and I was always amazed at how many shots he would take. I was used to the way most of us take family pictures — one shot each.

The photographer I worked with was very talented, and very patient. I was always mindful of the clock ticking and the fees, and he patiently explained that there is a difference between taking a picture and taking a photograph. If you want a good photograph you can’t rush the process and you may shoot a whole roll of film before you get that one great shot.

I was reminded of that the other morning when I discovered some beautiful butterflies having breakfast from the flowers in my old plow. I must have taken 20 shots, before I got this pretty yellow swallowtail.

I won’t post all the pictures, but I’ll post a few to show the progression from beginning to end.

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2 thoughts on “Getting the Shot”

  1. Thanks Elspeth. Glad you liked the photos. That is actually not my garden. Just an old plow with flowers in it. I have several other garden spots around my property. Some with flowers and some with veggies.

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