Book Review – Edward Adrift by Craig Lancaster

Edward Adrift
Craig Lancaster
Paperback: 320 pages
Publisher: Lake Union Publishing; Unabridged edition (April 9, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1611099056
ISBN-13: 978-1611099058

BOOK BLURB: The follow-up to 600 Hours of Edward, this novel revisits Edward Stanton three years after the end of the previous book and finds him in a scattered state. When he learns that his young friend, Kyle, is in trouble, Edward sets out on a road trip that carries him to some unexpected places—and might just deliver him to the doorstep of love.

Craig’s first book was one of my favorite all time reads, and I was delighted when I finally made time to read the sequel. Edward is a 42-year-old man with Asperger’s Syndrome, who is trying his best to find “normal” in a world that does not conform to this way of thinking and operating. If you’ve ever wondered what goes on in the mind of someone with Aspergers, Edward can clue you in, and as he reminds everyone, “I’m not stupid, I’m just developmentally challenged.”

I loved Edward when I met him in the first book and love him even more as I see how he has managed to take control of his life. In 600 Hours, Edward was just coming to terms with his uniqueness and starting counseling to learn coping techniques. To see how the counseling has helped him get from there to where this new story starts is a joy, as I have come to think of Edward as a real person and am rooting for him all the way.

One Amazon reviewer commented, “… to say that this book is about aspergers (sic) syndrome, or even about a guy with aspergers syndrome is to sell it short. Really short. This book is about a guy. A fantastic guy with quirks and foibles who does the best he can to cope with his life, and who sometimes succeeds. It’s a richly drawn portrait of a really, really interesting guy who you’d like to know more about, who also happens to have aspergers, which affects his personality to an extent.”

I agree. While I found the insights into how his mind works, I also connected to Edward as a person, and he was just as interesting to me as some of my quirky writer friends.

Another reviewer commented that this wasn’t a road-trip book, or a book about Asperger’s, it wasn’t a romance, it wasn’t a story about triumph over adversity, and it wasn’t a coming-of-age story. I disagree. It was all of those, just not in the usual style that we are accustomed to, and it doesn’t fit neatly into a genre. It’s simply a novel. And one hell of a story.

DISCLAIMER: I purchased this book, and Craig did not bribe me in any way to say nice things about his writing. We are friends, but that didn’t influence me either. I loved his writing before we became friends on Facebook.

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