Boxes For Beds

Babies are disappearing in this small Arkansas town. 

Who’s responsible?

The new woman in town with a troubled past?

Boxes For Beds is the first book I published as an Indie Author, and it was quite a learning experience as I navigated all the things a publisher does; cover art, editing, and formatting. Having professionals do all three is very important, and can be costly, but my thought is that it’s not wise to skip that level of preparation. Readers deserve to get the best quality in a book, even beyond the stories we create.

The historical mystery is available as an e-book for Kindle  and at Draft2Digital for Nook, Kobo, iTunes, and numerous other retail outlets. The book is also available in  Paperback from Amazon.

Also now an audio book from Audible and iTunes. It was narrated by Chloe Adele, who perfectly captured the voice of the characters and the Arkansas setting.

One happy reader sent me this note after reading the book: 

“I’ve only known you to be wrong once, when you told my wife, Denise, that I may not like Boxes For Beds like I did your others. You seem to span time and distance like none I’ve ever read, more, please.
Can’t wait for more!
Your Fan,
Wow! It doesn’t get any better than that.
Thank you, Ron!


Leslie Richards, running from a ruined relationship and the secrets of her past, moves from New York to a small town near Hot Springs, Arkansas, hoping to find a new beginning for herself and her young daughter.

There is no peace for her in Pine Hollow when babies start disappearing.

Under the thumb of the mob that ruled Hot Springs in the 60s, Sheriff Bates decides to arrest Leslie, even though there’s only thin circumstantial evidence against her. Better for it to be a stranger taking those babies and not one of their own. With the aid of Ronald, who has followed her to Pine Hollow, vowing not to abandon her again, Leslie is determined to find the real kidnapper before it’s too late.

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"Boxes for Beds is a smooth, enjoyable read with...... review gif

Boxes For Beds has over 200 reviews on Amazon, most of them 4 and 5 stars. One reviewer had this to say, “Exceptionally good story of mystery, heartache, betrayal, forgiveness and love.”

This novel is intense, emotional and riveting, just the way a good mystery should be.” Full review in Ind’Tale Magazine

“Elvis was king; Sputnik was circling Earth; Ike was sending federal troops into Arkansas to enforce desegregation; the Chicago Daly Machine raised the dead to give JFK the presidency; a time like few others. Chicago also had a mob whose influence stretched far and wide, even to Arkansas, the place where this story’s heroine has sought refuge from the trials of life. She is unwillingly swept up into an investigation of kidnappings spanning decades. 5-stars by an anonymous reader

“Miller sets up the reader with a lazy, slow moving opening chapter that reminded me of the 4 years (1964 to 1968) that I lived in the Deep South. She then lands 2 quick sucker punches that left me turning page after page. 

“If anyone who reads this buys up rights to turn books into screenplays, you need to check out Boxes for Beds. It has the makings of an excellent movie.” Five-star review by a satisfied reader.

“I loved this story and the authors writing style. Wonderful mix of characters and personalities. The scenic descriptions made me feel like I was right there. I look forward to reading more books from this author.”  Five-star review by Jacquie

“Babies are again being stolen in a small 1960’s Arkansas town. But corrupt Sheriff Bates only cares about finding someone, anyone, to blame and hush up that the same thing happened 25 years ago. Leslie, new in town with her daughter becomes his scapegoat. Solving the mystery becomes Leslie’s only hope and may bring meaning & romance back in her own life. The personal heartache Leslie has to face, the courage she sows had me rooting for her from the first. And the mystery was well told, founded on solid period research. Enjoyed it very much.” 5-star review by Carolyn

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Read an excerpt

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