Book Blog Tour: Comfort Foods by Kimberly Fish

Comfort Foods

A  Comfort Stories

Stand-Alone Novel


Kimberly Fish

Categories: Contemporary / Second-Chance Romance
Publisher: Fish Tales Publishing
Date of Publication: October 7, 2020
Number of Pages: 385 pages
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From the award-winning author of Comfort Plans and Comfort Songs comes a story of two rising stars blitzed by social media. Lacy Cavanaugh and single-dad Rudy Delgardo live a hundred miles apart but meet in the worst possible way. Working at a weekly paper and creating social media for area businesses helps Lacy connect with locals who open her mind to a perspective beyond Instagram. In launching a food-and-wine festival to support Comfort’s new event center, she discovers surprising skills bubbling over, much like the food she’s attempting to cook.

Rudy, on the brink of his restaurant’s takeover, struggles to improve time management so he can create a better relationship with his daughter. Distracted by Lacy and her invitation to the festival, he’s tempted by her beauty, wit, and courage, but as a chef, he rarely gets to enjoy life outside the kitchen. Enemies, illness, and exes add unwelcome spice to the dish they’re concocting—one that will teeter with misunderstanding until the very end.

Will Lacy and Rudy embrace their second chances and discover the perfect seasonings of family, resilience, and grace to create a handwritten recipe of love that will stand the test of time?

What a wonderful story.
From the madcap moments, to the tender moments, I was thoroughly engaged. I loved the characters because they were so real. Lacy, a former beauty queen, could have been all full of herself, but she wasn’t. Rudy, as an award-winning chef, could have also been egotistical and stand-offish, but  he wasn’t They were both wonderful characters with many layers to their personalities.


Then there was Luna, Rudy’s daughter who thought Lacy was Cinderella the first time they met. Luna almost stole the story, especially when paired with Rudy-Tootie, the stray mutt that showed up at the most inopportune times.


As I read, I highlighted a sentence or two that was so nicely penned, I wanted to read them again, and I marked so many that I can’t include them all. Here are just a few.


“Driving back and forth to Abilene had put miles on his soul.” What a terrific way to show the depth of Rudy’s love for his daughter and the anguish he felt for how difficult his ex was making things.


“The worst is never the worst.” A sage bit of advice from Lacy’s landlady, Gloria, who has become a close friend and confidant.


“And her dearest hope was to meet a man who’d fall in love with her before he Googled her name.” That speaks volumes about how much Lacy wishes to move past what happened that sent her to Comfort in the first place. To me, that was the first step she was taking in her character arc.


If all the stories set in Comfort Texas are as good as this one, Ms. Fish has just acquired a new fan. Comfort Food is a true love story that appeals to this curmudgeon who is tired of romance novels that are all about the sex. Don’t get me wrong. I have nothing against sex. I’ve just always thought it was more tantalizing to see lovers exchange an unmistakable look, then go to the bedroom and shut the door.


I highly recommend this book, as well as the others from Comfort, Texas.

Author Kimberly Fish resides in Longview, Texas, and enjoys writing contemporary fiction set in the Hill Country. During the seven years she lived in San Antonio, wandering in and around Comfort, Texas, provided endless space for her imagination to develop stories of women discovering their grit. She studied the small Texas town that had seemingly dug its heels into the limestone and refused modern development and thought that was fertile ground for stories about women remodeling their lives. It made a juxtaposition of place and purpose that was hard to ignore. Plus, anything that takes intentional effort has a much higher value than the things that come easily—Comfort personifies this, and the novels remind readers that anything worth having is worth the work.

Comfort Foods is the third full-length novel in the set, Fiction from the Texas Hill Country, and follows behind the award-winning novels Comfort Plans and Comfort Songs. A novella, Emeralds Mark the Spot, is available as a free eBook download to subscribers of the incredibly sporadic newsletter at and is the original story from which all other Comfort novels grew.

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2 thoughts on “Book Blog Tour: Comfort Foods by Kimberly Fish”

  1. I love those quotes you pulled that illustrate the writing. Agreed that Fish knows how to wrangle the words. Thanks for the review (and get those other Comfort books as well as The Big Inch– you’ll be a superfan)!

  2. There were so many places I highlighted the great turns of phrase, I could have filled the whole review just with those. Some really terrific writing. I’m definitely intrigued about The Big Inch, so I’ll start there.

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