Happy Thanksgiving




The Winnsboro Center for the Arts where I share in such a wonderful community of creative people who bring me joy.

My Hacks Writer’s group that has helped me improve my craft.

The vast online community of writers and artists to inspire me every day.

My little piece of heaven here in East Texas, fondly called Grandma’s Ranch.

The critters who live here and give me a reason to get out of bed every day.


My publishers and friends, Uncial Press, S&H Publishing, Five Star Cengage/Gale, and Untreed Reads. Small publishers do make an author feel like family.

The great feast of Thanksgiving dinner, which was always my favorite meal to cook. I would start early in the week – had to get those pies done with enough for tasting throughout the week. Then I would prepare all the sides, defrost the turkey, get the old roaster cleaned out and ready to accept the turkey early Thanksgiving morning.

This is just one of the times I miss my husband the most. He loved Thanksgiving as much as I did, and was always ready to help chop veggies for the stuffing, clean out the turkey, and help me test the pies.

I will gather with some of my kids today, and we will make new ways of celebrating, just like Carl and I did those many years ago when we moved from Michigan to Texas. No longer connected to extended family, we had to figure out how Thanksgiving would be honored in our new home.

We managed just fine.

All will be well.


Wishing you a wonderful holiday week. I do hope you are with those you love, eating lots of great food, and laughing a lot.


I’ll be back on Monday.

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