Book Review – New Beginnings by KP Smith

new-beginnings-6New Beginnings

Book Two in the Growing Pains Series
KP Smith
File Size: 791 KB
Print Length: 307 pages
Page Numbers Source ISBN: 0692729593
Publication Date: July 14, 2016
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English

BOOK BLURB:  Kendra’s in high school! New Beginnings abound at home, school and in her relationships. Things are changing at lightning speed. She’s saying hello and embracing new relationships while at the same time coping with heart breaking good-byes of others.

Her girlfriend, Patrice, convinces her to give an “old friend” another chance. This coupled with an unplanned chain of events catapults Kendra from a place of obscurity to center stage at school. Center stage has her wedged in a long standing school rivalry which will divide and test her loyalties. And threaten her new relationships.

Kendra isn’t the only one embarking on new beginnings. A health scare creates a new family dynamic but even with a new dynamic it’s the same family drama. The family tension escalates and bubbles over and with Meme gone Papa is left trying to keep the family intact.

New Beginnings is the second chapter in the Growing Pains Series. Kendra’s journey continues. In Book Two she finds her own place her own voice in her own way.

REVIEW: As Kendra enters high school, there are many changes in her life. Her old boyfriend has broken up with her, she’s trying out for cheerleader, and she’s trying to make new friends. It’s a challenge to deal with all the changes, as well as having the head cheerleader against her, but Kendra is doing her best to handle it all.

The teenage/high school drama was very real and the author presented it in an engaging narrative. I also really like the authentic dialogue, and I could close my eyes an imagine I was listening to a group of teens at a local burger shop talking. Capturing the true voice of teens is not an easy task for a writer, but KP Smith does it well.

Girls in their early teens will enjoy reading the book, and will have no trouble relating to Kendra. Those high school days are as challenging in real life as they are in fiction.

More information about the entire series, as well as short stories, can be found HERE


KP Smith is a writer and a relationship coach. Her YA Growing Pains Coming of Age Series is designed to encourage, entertain and inspire. She believes that building and maintaining healthy relationships is the best way to make our world a better place.

Whether she is writing, speaking, or coaching she only has one goal. To help people live the best life possible.

You can find out more about KP Smith on her WEBSITE

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