A Girl And Her Horse

Girls are notoriously horse-crazy. I know I was as a child. I collected plastic horses and ceramic horses, and the first stories I wrote were about horses. One of the stories won the Scholastic Writing Awards contest when I was 12, and created a writing monster. (smile)

I couldn’t have a horse of my own back then, but when I got old enough to work and earn some money, part of that money was spent at a riding stable. Since then, I’ve been fortunate enough to have three horses at different times in my life, and currently have my pal, Banjo.

I think he loves me, but it’s really the hay.

Most girls outgrow this obsession with horses, but some of us don’t, and I imagine my neighbor, Haley, will be in that latter category. I welcome her as my Wednesday’s Guest today because I was so impressed with her hard work as she competed for Junior Miss Rodeo Queen for the Franklin County Sheriff Posse Rodeo held this past weekend.

Waiting for the judges decision

Unfortunately, Haley did not win, but she did her best, and she sure sits a horse well. She is also a lovely young girl. She lives next door with her mother, sister, and grandmother, and they are really nice people who help me out a lot with my animals. It is so great to have neighbors like that!

When the family first moved in with their four horses, I remember seeing Haley jump up on the old mustang a few times and ride him with no saddle and no bridle; just hugging the horse’s neck and ambling along. Right then I knew that there was a special connection between this little slip of a girl and a horse. 

Still waiting with her mother

At the rodeo, I took the next three pictures after the decisions had been made and the awards given. The girls then took their horses back to the trailer area to be unsaddled. I thought the progression of expressions on Haley’s face was very telling.

I will not cry.

Here comes pure determination.

I’ll get it next time.

And finally:

Okay, I’m over it.

It’s hard to handle disappointment with grace, but I think she did a fine job, and I was glad to be a part of all of this with Haley and her family. My kids and I were some of her sponsors, and we were so happy to do that and support her efforts.  Looking forward to next year!

Are you a horse lover? Do you like to sponsor young people for various activities and events?

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