No Black Friday for Me

I know it is all the craze here in the States. The day after Thanksgiving everybody and their brother flock to stores to take advantage of special sales. I don’t know when this all started, but I have never taken  part in it and don’t plan to today, or ever.

This type of crazed commercialism that has people camping outside of stores for a week prior to Black Friday so they can be the first ones in the store, boggles this little mind. Every year we hear news stories of people getting hurt as crowds of people push and shove to get the latest electronic device, and I always wonder is it worth it.

It used to be that the sales started early on Friday morning, but in more recent years, the sales start Thanksgiving evening. Perhaps one day Thanksgiving will just be skipped so people can go straight to the local mall earlier on Thursday.

We still have company, so our Black Friday will be spent having a leisurely breakfast and enjoying some conversation with our son and his family. Then we may play some more games, or work on the jigsaw puzzle we started yesterday.

Later we’ll pull out the leftovers from the Thanksgiving meal and celebrate thankfullness all over again. Tomorrow and Sunday will be repeats of today, until our company is gone. Some things are more important than others.

What about you? How will you spend the rest of your Thanksgiving weekend.

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7 thoughts on “No Black Friday for Me”

  1. Maryann, I’m with YOU! Just the other day I was lamenting how things are “nowadays”! And how things “used to be.”
    Remember how our grandparents thought the world was going to hell in a hand basket? If they were alive today….WHAT WOULD THEY THINK??

  2. Aloha Maryann,

    Just stopping by to say thanks for signing up for “AlexFest,” which is our nickname for the Cheers, Cavanaugh BlogFest:)

    Looking forward to reading your entry:)

  3. Thanks, Mark. Glad to meet you. I will see what I can pull together to honor Alex. He is a terrific supporter of other writers and also writes terrific books. I’m happy to be part of the blogfest.

  4. Laura, I feel sorry for all the store clerks who had to work on Black Friday. Most years one of our sons would have to cut his Thanksgiving short to go to work, and I hated that. This year he was lucky and did not have to go to work until noon on Friday. Nobody should have to go to work at 2AM to get ready for a sale that starts at 4. Stupid.

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