Guest Blogging

Today I am a guest on the wonderful DFW writer’s group blog, As we Were Saying. One of the blog members, Ruby Johnson, was kind enough to invite me there today to introduce my new book, Stalking Season, which is now out at libraries, and coming in the next two weeks to online retail stores.

Ruby was also so kind to say how much she enjoyed reading Open Season, the first book in the series, and is looking forward to reading this next one.  Since she is a writer, too, she does know how much that means to those of us who pound a keyboard for a living. Ruby has won short story contests, published in the AANA Journal and has contributed to Hospital Topics and  a book on Hospital Management. She currently writes medical suspense.

On the blog today, I share a little about who inspired me to write police procedural mysteries, and there is a short excerpt from the book. Hop on over if you have a moment.

I am sill out of town for another week, then we have the Thanksgiving Holiday bearing down on us. I probably won’t get back to my usual blog schedule until after that, but I may pop in now and then.

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2 thoughts on “Guest Blogging”

  1. Hello There,
    I just wanted to see if you were currently interested in additional guest bloggers for your blog site.
    I see that you’ve accepted some guest posters in the past – are there any specific guidelines you need me to follow while making submissions?
    If you’re open to submissions, whom would I need to send them to?
    I’m eager to send some contributions to your blog and think that I can cover some interesting topics.
    Thanks for your time,

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