Radio Interview

Today I will be appearing on Red River Radio with five other authors of children’s and Y/A books on March 29 at 4:00pm ET, to talk about my book for tweens, Friends Forever, and share what inspired the story.
This is a special edition of the Book Discussion shows for teachers, children, parents, grandparents and anyone who loves to read children’s and Y/A books. Book Discussion is hosted by Fran Lewis, an author and book reviewer. This show will feature the best of children’s writing with authors writing in many different genres. The books are geared to early childhood children, elementary school students or young adults and teens. The lessons taught in each of these books can be used in classrooms teaching Character Education, Sunday School Classrooms, for parents to read at night to their children, and in libraries or bookstores during story time. 
The show promises to be informative and just plain fun as we talk about our books and the delight of writing for young audiences. We invite all to stop by and listen to the show and join in the discussion.
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