Book Review- One Small Victory

I just received this wonderful review for my book and wanted to share it.

One Small Victory will draw you into one mother’s desire to fight back and make a difference. With guts and determination, Jenny heads into dangerous drug trafficking territory. Though she puts herself into a situation that gets her in way over her head, I still had to admire her courage. The whole situation could have heaped a lot more grief on top of her family, yet she still went ahead with it.

With heart and soul and plenty of suspense, One Small Victory careens toward an outcome that could end in disaster—or it could result in one small victory against the war on drugs. Nothing is certain, and you won’t breathe easy until the story’s conclusion.

One Small Victory is a rare jewel among e-book reads, so I suggest that you download it now—right this minute. Go, go, go!” Margaret Marr for Nights and

That is just part of her review. If you would like to read the whole thing, click HERE  I am so thrilled and humbled.

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