No Odds ‘N Ends This Week

It’s terrible when a cold slams into you and literally takes three days out of your carefully planned schedule. That’s what happened to me this week when I was supposed to be gathering interesting pieces of news to lay out here for comment.

There was lots of other work I was supposed to be doing, as well, and not much got done. I will be playing catch-up for quite a while.

I suppose I could have stayed home today and taken care of the blog, but instead I chose to go on a trail ride with two of my kids. We will ride all day Saturday and half of Sunday, and I’m sure I will find muscles I never knew I had as they protest.

I was supposed to spend most of this week doing some specific exercises to prepare for the ride. I don’t think laying on the couch and reaching for a tissue every 15 minutes utilized the muscles that needed help. Hopefully, what I have done the past few weeks was enough.

So…. what is going to be my excuse for skipping Monday’s post?

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3 thoughts on “No Odds ‘N Ends This Week”

  1. I’m glad you’re better enough to hit the trail. Have fun. I can’t begin to imagine how sore I would be from riding a horse for a day and a half. I wouldn’t be able to move. Seriously.

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