Record Snowfall in Texas

The winter storm that blanketed much of North and East Texas in snow overnight Thursday surprised even forecasters. After watching the latest weather report Thursday at about 10, I went to bed expecting to wake up to three or four inches of snow.

Then in the middle of the night I heard the ominous sound of limbs breaking. This after I spent a good hour knocking as much snow as I could off branches that were getting weighed down Thursday evening.

We got a record eight to eleven inches of snow, and while it is beautiful to look at — and made for some lovely pictures — it created havoc on a lot of levels. Many people were, and still are without power, and roads were slippery.

This morning I went out to assess the damage and found numerous large branches down. Some too big for me to even try to move. Two trees came down, too. One on my front fence and one on my back fence.

My very nice neighbor who used to help me move trees that fell — he had a huge tractor with a front loader and could pick those trees up like they were nothing — has moved away. So I guess I will have to find someone who is handy with a chainsaw and wants to earn a little extra money.

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6 thoughts on “Record Snowfall in Texas”

  1. Yes, pine does burn fast, but it also makes the house smell so nice.
    I can’t believe all the snow the south is getting. Here we are in the Pacific Northwest and it’s 52 degrees already this morning.

  2. LuAnn, I don’t think the reason people don’t burn the pine here is because it burns so fast. Locals have told me that it burns “dirty” and that is why they don’t use it in fireplaces. Not sure exactly what they mean.

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