The Whole Truth

As promised the other day, I will now fess up to which of my outrageous statements were true and which were lies. But first, I want to share some pictures of our glorious snowfall. We don’t get much snow here in East Texas, so this is a treat for someone like me who really likes snow.

As long as it is in manageable amounts and I don’t have to shovel.

Our dog, who had never seen snow before, didn’t mind it at all, except when her tennis ball became a snowball. She wasn’t quite sure what to do with it.

The goats were totally disoriented. The darker brown one stood in the middle of the pasture for the longest time just looking at this strange white stuff. The horse didn’t care. Give him some hay and he is a happy horse.

Now on to full disclosure:

1. I was a roller-skating car hop like the ones on “Happy Days.” This one is true. I worked at a little drive in and that is where I first met my husband.

2. I’ve broken almost every bone in my body. Unfortunately, this one is true, also. I won’t bore you with all the details, but let’s just say that horseback riding can be dangerous. As is pole-vaulting and baseball.

3. I once went backpacking in the Rockies. Not true, although I wish it was.

4. I was a trail rider at a riding stable. Yes. I worked one summer at a stable on Detroit’s Belle Isle. Classy stable – although I wasn’t so classy – and that’s where I met and bought my first horse.

5. I was an executive director for a film project. Yes. I had a partner in a film project based on a screenplay I wrote. We almost had the deal together when the oil market did a semi-crash in the late 80’s and we lost our main investors.

6. I was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize. Is there such a thing as a semi-truth? I’m not sure if this qualifies as an official nomination, but my publisher at a regional magazine submitted a feature story I had written about riding patrol with police officers. It was an in-depth feature, and one of the best pieces I’ve ever written, and the publisher thought it was worth the award.

Okay, there you have it folks. This was fun and I need to check the blogs of the folks I passed this award on to to see what outrageous things they have to say.

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6 thoughts on “The Whole Truth”

  1. That is so cool! Everything sounds so varied and I imagine quite exciting. Except the injuries, and the loss of investors. But writers are notorious liars, I mean, storytellers, right? Sure enjoyed yours!

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