Friendship Award

Patricia Stoltey, a fellow author, recently gave me a friendship award and I will fess up that I have been remiss in acknowledging the award. For those of you who read my blog regularly, you know that last week started out badly, and it didn’t improve much from there. I am so far behind on everything, I’m not sure where to even start. I might even have to start with making a list of what needs to be done and prioritizing the items.

Egad! That would mean I am getting organized in my old age.

But back to the award. I am honored that Patricia chose me as one of the recipients. Unlike some of the other awards circulating on blogs, I don’t have to tell a number of things about myself, but I am supposed to pass this on to five other blogging friends. It was hard to chose just five out of the many blogs I visit and enjoy, but I did figure that some that are written purely for business might not have the time or inclination to play along. So I picked some that I know like to play.

Ginger Simpson at Dishin’ It Out

Helen Ginger at Straight From Hel

Terry O’Dell at Terry’s Place

Elizabeth Spann Craig at Mystery Writing is Murder

Elsbeth Antonelli at It’s a Mystery

I hope you can visit these blogs sometime. It is always fun to be introduced to new people and new voices in the blogoshpere.

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8 thoughts on “Friendship Award”

  1. Thanks, Maryann – I need to start acknowledging some of these more promptly. That’s part of the ‘downside’ of trying to be organized and having blog topics scheduled in advance.

  2. It took a few days to get here, but I wanted to thank you for including me…even though I’m one of those “not busy people who like to play.” *lol* Why didn’t it occur to me long ago that you and I are a natural friendship? Ginger and Maryann? All we’re missing are Gilligan and the Captain…oh the professor and the Howell’s too, I suppose. If you’re like me, you’ve put up with Gilligan jokes your entire life. People are always asking me, “Where’s Maryann.” At least now I know. *lol*

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