That’s It, I’ve Had Enough

Another wonderful bit of nonsense from my friend, Tracy Farr. Enjoy…..

I just wanted you to know that this past Tuesday I was so fed up with work that I finally decided to quit and find something better to do – maybe drive a big rig to California and deliver eggs or something.

So with that in mind, I started cleaning out my desk because that’s what you do when you’re tired of a place and you’re going to hit the road – you clean out your desk. And do you know what I found in there? Things that I’ve been missing for years. All this time they’ve been stuck in a bottom drawer and I never knew they were there. I placed them in my “clean out my desk” box so I won’t lose them again.

With the top of my desk spotless, and my drawers almost completely emptied, I turned to my filing cabinet.

There’s not many things more satisfying than chunking files into the trash. Eating a beef burrito comes close, but not quite close enough. So, I pulled out a file that I haven’t used since the 80s, chunked it in the trash, then pulled out another file. Checked to make sure it wasn’t important, then chunked it in the trash, too. In no time at all my filing cabinet was all in order, my trash bin was overflowing, and I started on my bookshelf.

Yep, won’t need that pamphlet any more – throw it in the trash. Nope – I’ll never be thumbing through that book again – just slam dunk it. Why, looky there – there’s an entire stack of magazines full of lots of good things – throw them all in the trash where they belong. Clean, clean, clean. Chunk, chunk, chunk. Find another trash can, fill it up, too. Don’t stop until you’ve cleaned up your entire life and are ready to ride off into the sunset. Then, and only then, sit back and relax with your newly found feeling of freedom.

And do you know what I found when I sat back and relaxed with my newly found feeling of freedom? My office doesn’t look half bad anymore. In fact, it looks quite inviting and comfortable.

Hmmm. Maybe I’ll stick around a little bit longer.
The Daily Spittoon – It’s better to clean up than to give up!

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