Happy Spring

Some of us are celebrating Easter this weekend, and even though we have no little ones to hunt for eggs or hidden Easter Baskets, my husband and I have gotten into the spirit of the season. I dug out a basket and he shopped for some goodies to put in it. Then I decided to make a pineapple upside-down cake.

And since we don’t have any other adults around us to tell us we couldn’t, we decided to eat some of the cake yesterday – Friday – even though the cake was supposed to be for Easter Sunday.

Today has felt like a holiday, too. We went out to breakfast, as we can’t do that on Sunday because of church duties. Met some friends in town and had a nice visit with them.

I know lots of people join us in this Easter celebration, but I also know that some of the people who may wander by this blog do not. Jews are celebrating Passover this weekend, and it is not a coincidence that it happens the same time as Easter. After all, Jesus was a Jew.

There are people of many other faiths who don’t celebrate either Easter or Passover, but almost all religions have some kind of observance to mark the beginning of new life in the spring. And it is such an exciting time for us all as we watch the earth come back to life after the desolation of winter.

Sometimes it feels like we come back to life, too. And maybe we do.

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6 thoughts on “Happy Spring”

  1. Happy Easter, My friend. I had the best of both worlds as a child. My father was Jewish, my mother Gentile. My dad is no longer with us, but your post brought back some happy feelings and memories. Thank you for that.


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