What Success Means

I had several recent signing events for One Small Victory, and I am pleased that I will be able to donate a nice sum to the two charities benefiting from sales this month. The Trails Country Centre for the Arts and Morgan’s Mercy Mansion, a drug rehab center for women in East Texas are the charities I am supporting.

At the most recent signing, a nice young boy, about 12 or 13 stopped by my table for a piece of candy. He seemed genuinely impressed to meet a real live author, and we talked a bit about books, and reading, and writing.

He left, then came back and asked if he could take one of my books to see if his dad would help him buy it for Mom for Christmas. “I know she would love it,” he said. “I just have to ask The Man for money.”

This young man was such a delight to talk to, and he was so excited when he came back so I could sign the book to his mother. “This is the kind of book she reads all the time, and she will be thrilled to have one signed by the author.”

Moment like these make all the hassle and work of signing events worthwhile. I know I should be more of a capitalist and be more focused on selling lots of books, but I can’t help it. To see young people so excited about reading and writing, just does it for me.

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