There’s nobody in here but us chickens…

Here is another guest blog from Tracy Farr who has a particularly warped sense of humor. Thought you all would appreciate a bit of levity.

As most of you may know, I’m a quiet, unassuming kind of guy who is basically shy, never wants to stand out from the crowd, never speaks out on “the issues,” who always does what he’s told, and prefers to let rude people run all over me rather than to stand up for myself.

Yep! That’s who I am! But today’s going to be different. Today I’m going to stand tall and talk about a potential disaster that, if we don’t do anything about it, will affect our local economy for now and for ever more. I’m talking about the possible demise of Pilgrim’s Pride and the removal of Bo’s Head.

(FYI: For those of you who don’t know, there’s a massive Bo Pilgrim bust standing alongside Hwy 271 just north of Pittsburg, Texas. It’s a huge tourist attraction. People come from miles around just to see Bo’s Head. So when I say “the removal of Bo’s Head,” I don’t actually mean Bo’s REAL head, I mean the tourist attraction head. Okay, now that we have that clear, let’s move on.)

Since we live in a capitalistic society, and we all firmly believe that competition is good for the consumer — that survival of the fittest dictates only the “strong” companies will survive — there isn’t very much we can do about helping Pilgrim’s Pride. But if we lose Bo’s Head, we might as well cash in our chips and head to the house.

I don’t know about you, but when my friends and family come to visit from out of town, I always tell them to go see Bo’s Head. And if they go home to THEIR communities and tell others about it, then a steady stream of tourists come through this area and that means they’re eating in our restaurants, sleeping in our hotels, shopping in our Wal-Mart, and that’s good for our local economy. In other words, it would devastate our community if Bo were to lose his Head.

Besides, Michelle Barganski is a loyal subscriber to this newsletter and Gil Newman is a founding member of The Stinky Creek Jazz Band — and they both work for Pilgrim’s. I sure would hate for anything to happen to their jobs, ’cause I like having them around, too.

In conclusion, it may already be too late to keep Bo’s Head from the chopping block. Nobody knows what tomorrow will bring. But just in case, let’s all go out this afternoon and buy a couple of Pilgrim’s Pride whole chickens, and maybe even some thighs and chicken wings, just so we can say we did our part in trying to save Bo’s Head.

May God be with us all, and may God Bless America.


The Daily Spittoon — You can’t say we don’t care about the issues

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