Book Review – Mechalarum by Emma Larkins

Emma Larkins

File Size: 828 KB
Print Length: 230 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publication Date: October 8, 2014
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
Language: English

BOOK BLURB – In the dystopian science fiction novel Mechalarum, sciencers toil in a last-ditch effort to defeat the offworld Losh, who have rained death from the skies for twenty years. They work to build and perfect Mechalarum flying suits for fearless pilots to infiltrate and destroy the Losh airships from within.

The most skilled of these pilots, Kiellen Corr, never wavers in her dedication to the cause until she is blindsided with betrayal after a fateful discovery. With her faithful sciencer friend Gage Turman by her side, she must fight to understand the true nature of the Mechalarum suits, the Losh, and herself.

REVIEW – This book is the first of this genre I’ve read, and I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. I did find some of the technical details in the beginning a bit too much, but then fans of the genre might like that kind of set up for a story. Once the story focused on Kiellen and Gage, I was caught up in the challenges they faced together and the push/pull of their relationship.

Art truly does imitate life, and I couldn’t help but see parallels in the betrayal that Kiellen experiences and the way people in power manipulate the general public in today’s world. If only we could bring the justice from this pretend world to ours.

I was very impressed with the amount of work that had to go into creating this world and the very complex social systems. It could not have been easy, and Emma made it all, and the people, so real. There were nice touches of humor throughout, and I loved the made up swear words.

All in all, this was a good story that takes the  reader on a fun journey with these characters. Like me, you don’t have to be a fan of science fiction stories to enjoy the read.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Emma Larkins is a science fiction author and card game designer who loves inventing new words. Her influences include Tamora Pierce, Piers Anthony, Douglas Adams, J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis.

She writes accessible scifi that teases the edges of your imagination without making you feel like your brain has gone through a blender. Her characters face the world with wry humor, even as everything crashes down around them. Her stories are filled with action and adventure. After all, what’s the point of a tall tale if it doesn’t make your heart race?


The Mechalarum ebook will be FREE between November 21 and 25. Get your copy!

Want to win a signed paperback? Enter here before November 26!

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 And do come back this Wednesday when Emma will be my Wednesday’s Guest. She is interviewing Kiellen, giving us a look at the woman when she is not flying and fighting, and struggling to stay alive.

3 thoughts on “Book Review – Mechalarum by Emma Larkins”

  1. Pingback: Emma Larkins Interviews Kiellen Corr | It's Not All GravyIt's Not All Gravy

  2. Nice to see that this hostess Maryann kept up her end of the bargain for at least one author. You were lucky, Emma and your book sounds wonderful. I’ll have to share your info with my teenagers. They love your kind of books. Maryann didn’t do a review for the guest she hosted the week prior to you.
    I just had to return and see if she would post a book review for authors after S.J. Francis and I see that she did. I really hope that Maryann didn’t put off reading the book SJ Francis wrote because of the subject matter because I’m black. I’d hate to think that of any author in this day and age, but since she read and posted a review for this author Emma and not another, it has me thinking. Frankly, I’m offended and hope that S.J. Francis is too. #BlackLivesMatter

    1. mcm0704

      Anncye, I am disappointed that you continue to belabor the point of the lack of the review for SJ’s book, and assume that it is because of the subject matter. Again, I will say that there were many extenuating circumstances that prevented me from reading enough of SJ’s book to do the review, none of which was because of the subject matter. I read Emma’s book before even receiving the request to read and review SJ’s book, and was squeezing that one in because of her blog tour schedule. I have done a preview instead of a review for other authors, and no other author has complained. In fact, I have one scheduled for next week that I have not had time to read and will do a preview. That author will then be my guest on Wednesday, and she is just happy for the support for her book.

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