Book Review- Mommy A to Z by Meredith Hale

Mommy A to Z
Meredith Hale
File Size: 2893 KB
Print Length: 158 pages
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
Language: English

The full title of this humorous book about raising “tiny humans” is Mommy A to Z: An Encyclopedia of the Joys, Wonders, and Absurdities of Motherhood and the book is broken into chapters headed by, you guessed it, the letters of the alphabet. Each chapter has funny anecdotes and clever parenting advice, such as what to do with the overflow of artwork that your child wants attached to the refrigerator and how to deal with the young artist’s ego when she notices a treasure is no longer there.

Meredith said that this is not a how-to parenting book, but she does offer tidbits of wisdom along with the witty commentary on the antics of her children. When she wrote about letting go of our children in small increments, that really resonated with me. She mentioned all the little ways that her daughter was asserting her independence and wrote: “But this was the first time I’d had to let go, to grant her some independence. It was a glimpse into part of what motherhood is: putting what’s right for your child ahead of what’s necessarily comfortable for yourself.”

Having raised five children, I can attest to that push-and-pull between wanting to hold them tightly and learning to set them free.

Meredith also says in her introduction that sometimes laughter is the only barrier between motherhood and madness, and to that I can also attest. I got my start as a professional writer doing a weekly humor column that kept me from permanent residency in the closest mental hospital. Laughter is so good for us in so many ways, and certainly does make the “medicine” of parenting go down a whole lot easier.

While I marveled at how mothering has changed in the, ahem, many years since my kids were toddlers, there were still so many parts of the book I could relate to. So many sections had me laughing out loud, I was so glad I had swallowed my coffee beforehand. The book is written from a mother’s perspective, but I think many fathers would enjoy reading it, too. It is a warm, funny, wonderful testament to the joys of motherhood.

About the Author:
Meredith Peters Hale is an editor and writer whose work has appeared on sites including The Huffington Post, and She has recently launched a new humor blog based on her book, Meredith currently resides in Westchester, New York, with her husband and two feisty (and energetic) children.

Meredith will be my guest this coming Wednesday, sharing a fun author interview conducted by her young daughter, who considers herself a princess. Please do try to come back to visit on Wednesday. In the meantime you can connect with Meredith on her other  BLOG, FACEBOOK, GOODREADS, TWITTER and at her WEBSITE

 Buy the book at Amazon *** Barnes and Noble *** Apple

6 thoughts on “Book Review- Mommy A to Z by Meredith Hale”

  1. What a lovely cover – I blew it up so I could enjoy it, and the artwork is graceful and appropriate.

    Alas – out of the target market (for now?) as the offspring are barely beginning to date (2) and get engaged (1). I will remember for later – or gifts.

  2. Alicia, the book would make a good gift, and I don’t think you have to be a young mother to enjoy it. When I read it, it brought back all the memories of when my kids were little. The ones I wanted to remember, that is. LOL

  3. Tricia, you will love the book, and I’m so glad you came by to read the review.

    Mama Miller, are we related? LOL

    Branson, Meredith was so right about the laughter. So many times when my kids were young, a joke or a smile would diffuse difficult moments. I remember once when my son was trying to intimidate me with his “don’t mess with me stare” and I busted up laughing. His belligerence couldn’t hold up in the face of humor and he went on to do whatever it was I had asked him to do.

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