Relieve the Stress

Since things have been so dire in the news, in the world, and even in some of our own lives for a while, I thought we could use a little relief from the stress with some fun from Slim Randles. He is usually my Wednesday’s Guest, but the week got away from me, as did my regular blogging schedule. But any time is a good time for an essay from Slim and a biscuit to go with our coffee. Help yourself…

Before moving on to Slim’s guest post, however, I want to make a couple of quick announcements. First, is the award recently given to Stalking Season, the second book in the Seasons Mystery Series. The Excellent Reads Book Award was created to honor John E Weaver, an avid reader and book promoter, who passed away in 2016. He loved discovering great books and authors then sharing them with his friends. Earthshine Media Group initiated the contest, and Stalking Season won for Police Procedural mystery.

This is the original cover for the hardback version from Five Star/Cengage.

A full list of the winners of the Excellence in Reading awards in all genres can be seen HERE

Next, I am thrilled to announce that the fifth edition of The Killer Wore Cranberry is now available to purchase at the Untreed Reads Store or DriveThru Fiction. It is also available for pre-order at Amazon, if that is your retailer of choice.

My short story, No Starch in the Turkey, Please, is included in this latest anthology, living happily among some other humorous stories centered on Thanksgiving. They are all fun to read, and I hope you will grab a copy for yourself, and maybe one or two to share as gifts.

Now here’s Slim with a nice story about rain and slickers and good friends.

When Florencio Ortiz sent off for that new slicker, everyone in town and out at the ranch knew about it. He described in detail how waterproof it was and how a cowboy just couldn’t possibly get wet with this slicker on.

Then it came, and Florencio tied it behind the cantle of his saddle each day. And Florencio looked to the sky for any sign of a cloud, and then patted that slicker affectionately.

“If it rains today,” he’d say, “I’m ready. Did you know this slicker keeps the saddle dry, too?”

Finally, during the gather, Florencio and the other hands were horseback about 10 miles from the truck, driving cows back to the home pasture. And the clouds came, thick and black and fast, and the rain poured.

With a joyous whoop, Florencio donned the new slicker and climbed back aboard his horse. But his buddies just sat their horses and watched. Their slickers were back in the truck.

They were amazed when Florencio dismounted, took off the slicker, tied it behind the saddle, and mounted again in the rain.

“Why?” they asked him.

“When my friends get wet,” he said, “I get wet!”

Brought to you by Slim’s new book “A Fly Fisherman’s Bucket List,” from

2 thoughts on “Relieve the Stress”

    1. mcm0704

      I loved the story, too, Frankie. I was not expecting the ending when I first started reading the story, but then really had to smile at the end.

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