Wednesday’s Guest – John Rachel

Please help me welcome John Rachel as today’s Wednesday’s Guest. He is the author of the novel, The Man Who Loved Too Much that I reviewed here last Sunday. We certainly had fun with the interview, so grab a beverage of your choice to go with your cinnamon roll, and enjoy….


Hello, John, I’m so happy to have you as my guest. First off, give us a short intro to who you are and what you write.

John Rachel, expat American living in Japan with a lovely Japanese wife. I left America in 2006 to travel the world. I started writing novels on the computer I carted with me through 26 countries. My seventh novel (Book 2 of “The Man Who Loved Too Much” trilogy) just came out March 16th. A political manifesto is scheduled for publication in May, Book 3 of the trilogy in July, probably one other novel by the end of the year.

I did enjoy Billie’s story. Is any of it reflective of your life-story?

This book is highly autobiographical. I grew up in suburban Detroit in a blue collar family. Both of my parents were very bigoted. I went to Catholic school. I skipped kindergarten because a bully smashed me in the face my first day. There were some notable differences. I was lousy at Euchre. I never kissed a nun. My dad and I got along great. My mom used to chase me around the house with a butcher’s knife. Also, I am to this day no way near as cool as my main character, Billy Green. But our thinking is similar in many ways. I agree with him wholeheartedly about 911 and the absurdity of war. However, while Billy shows some signs of maturity and growth by the end of the trilogy, I am still naive and very socially inept. On the positive side, I am a better dancer than Billy.

What nugget of wisdom do you hope people will take away from your book?

Be careful what you buy. Don’t judge a book by its cover. Be suspicious of any author who bleaches his pubic hair.

If you could go back in time, what one thing would you change about yourself?

I would have preferred not to have been born in a mental institution, taken away from my natural mother at birth and spending my first year trying to get someone’s attention, being adopted by two well-meaning, but incredibly ignorant, people who then had the nerve to die when I was fourteen. Also, I never liked having acne.

What is your fondest childhood memory?

I quit cub scouts to become a full-time cowboy. I remember feeling superior to the pathetic dweebs who were going to spend their lives trying to start fires by rubbing two sticks together. They, however, had the last laugh when the cowboy thing didn’t pan out for me, I became a total failure, and they went on to be successful corporate lawyers and Wall Street bankers.

How did you come to write in the genre you chose?

I have so far written in four genres; crime/thriller, coming-of-age contemporary, social/political satire, and political drama. Obviously I have no idea what I’m doing and probably suffer from progressive ADHD.

What is the most unusual, or interesting, research you’ve done for your books?

I went into a brothel in Laos to see how the slave girls were treated. A young girl, 15 years old at the most, took me back to a filthy, foul-smelling room, with a semen-stained blanket covering a straw mattress. I saw what I needed to see, ran out of the place. The Mama-San and two thugs chased me, demanding I stay and pay to have sex with the girl. My taxi driver tore out of there and we escaped safely. This was for my crime/thriller coming out early next year called “Petrocelli.” I gave the taxi driver a nice tip. I wish I were joking but I’m not.

What other creative things do you do?

I still write songs (music and lyrics), make completely original, but often inedible,  recipes from scratch, do Origami using slices of American cheese, pronounce words funny (I’m writing my own rhyming dictionary).

What do you do for fun?

Ride my bicycle through the soybean and rice fields in my traditional Japanese town; talk to people in languages I don’t know, pretending to use sign language; switch the ‘Men’ and ‘Women’ signs at shopping mall restrooms; put ads on Craig’s List offering my services as a navel lint weaver; lie on benches at bus stops with a bouquet of flowers in my hands and large pennies on my eyes; use homonyms to create strange Super Bowl half-time cheers at ESL summer camps; entertain kids at parks as “Mr. Upside Down Man”, though I have to say as I get older, it’s getting harder to walk on my hands for long periods of time.

What do you like best about where you live?

Since I don’t speak Japanese, I have no idea what anyone is saying here, so I enjoy the privacy. I call it my bubble of incomprehension. People are very polite to me – I’m taller than they are – plus as an American they know I am prone to random violence, so they don’t want to do anything to set me off. Seventy percent of Japan is forest, which is counter to how most people picture the country. I live in a valley surrounded by beautiful tree-covered mountains. My town is very traditional, rural, and peaceful. The loudest sound I ever hear is the ringing of temple bells three times a day at a local Buddhist shrine. People I hardly know are always waving at me when I ride through town. They cheerfully yell things at me which sound a lot like, “Look out, there’s a bus coming.” They are so cute!

 Thanks for sharing all that nonsense, er, great fun with us, John. You can read more about John and his books on his WEBSITE and buy the first book in his trilogy about Billy Green at Amazon or Barnes and Noble. You can preview all of his books on his Amazon Author page, and follow him on Facebook and Twitter. 

8 thoughts on “Wednesday’s Guest – John Rachel”

  1. Dorothy Durio Collins – Baton Rouge, LA USA – I am 56 year old policy wonk, political adviser, community organizer, and reporter and editor of 36 years, I live in Baton Rouge, LA. I follow national political trends and liberal activism. I am available for organizional Ifound out I have a Great-Great Grandfather who owned a slave. I've never BEEN afraid to talk about it. artIcle AM former President, Secretary and Press Secretary of All Party Systems, and former Secretary General of International I am State Director of Progressive Democrats of America and Publicity Chair of the Democratic Women of Greater Baton Rouge. I was an intern for Louisiana State Democrats and worked with Obama For America for two years. I was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize in Journalism in 1981. I served as a Psychiatric and Oncology R.N. for two years after attending nursing school in 1998. Oh, my seafood gumbo is killer...

    John has been a friend for many years but I must admit I was surprised about the Laotian hooker story!!!!

    1. mcm0704

      That was a funny story, Dorothy. Reading it made me chuckle and think about the time I went to a Gentleman’s Club for research. I was a bit embarrassed about the naked dancers, but my son, who was my research assistant loved it. LOL Thanks for stopping by.

      1. johnrachel – John Rachel has a B. A. in Philosophy, has traveled extensively, is a songwriter, music producer, neo-Marxist, and a bipolar humanist. He has written eight novels and three political non-fiction books. His most recent polemic is "The Peace Dividend: The Most Controversial Proposal in the History of the World." His political articles have appeared at OpEdNews, Russia Insider, Greanville Post, and other alternative media outlets. Currently in development is a new novel set in Japan, and another in Africa. Author Rachel has explored thirty-four countries since leaving America August of 2006. He is now somewhat rooted in a small traditional farming village in Japan near Osaka, where he proudly tends his small but promising vegetable garden. You can follow his adventures and developing world view at: "Scribo ergo sum."

        Right. Right. You HAD to go to see good looking naked hunks for RESEARCH. Such dedication!

    2. johnrachel – John Rachel has a B. A. in Philosophy, has traveled extensively, is a songwriter, music producer, neo-Marxist, and a bipolar humanist. He has written eight novels and three political non-fiction books. His most recent polemic is "The Peace Dividend: The Most Controversial Proposal in the History of the World." His political articles have appeared at OpEdNews, Russia Insider, Greanville Post, and other alternative media outlets. Currently in development is a new novel set in Japan, and another in Africa. Author Rachel has explored thirty-four countries since leaving America August of 2006. He is now somewhat rooted in a small traditional farming village in Japan near Osaka, where he proudly tends his small but promising vegetable garden. You can follow his adventures and developing world view at: "Scribo ergo sum."

      There is a pretty detailed description in the novel of the entire experience. I had never been in a brothel before, particularly one out in the middle of nowhere. It was one of six or seven ramshackle buildings in the midst of rice fields. I had read about the human trafficking business in an informative book called “Sex Slave” which I bought in Thailand. It chronicled the whole sordid business in Asia and inspired my writing of “Petrocelli”. It’s a very ugly side of humanity. Did you know there are more than 30 million slaves in the world today? People bought and sold. Many are in the sex industry but many are domestic servants. The highest rate of kidnapping young girls for sex slavery is in Nepal. Most end up in India. Ugh!

      1. mcm0704

        John, it is awful the way some people treat others. Nobody should ever be a slave, and I cannot imagine where that whole attitude come from in the first place. To be a slave is to be subhuman, and we are all humans. There is nothing “sub” about anyone.

        1. johnrachel – John Rachel has a B. A. in Philosophy, has traveled extensively, is a songwriter, music producer, neo-Marxist, and a bipolar humanist. He has written eight novels and three political non-fiction books. His most recent polemic is "The Peace Dividend: The Most Controversial Proposal in the History of the World." His political articles have appeared at OpEdNews, Russia Insider, Greanville Post, and other alternative media outlets. Currently in development is a new novel set in Japan, and another in Africa. Author Rachel has explored thirty-four countries since leaving America August of 2006. He is now somewhat rooted in a small traditional farming village in Japan near Osaka, where he proudly tends his small but promising vegetable garden. You can follow his adventures and developing world view at: "Scribo ergo sum."

          My wife claims I am her slave. Our marriage license was in Japanese and she says it’s right there in black-and-white. How would I know?

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