Love in the Country

My friend Slim Randles is here again with an update on the wooing of Miss Emily Stickles by Dewey Decker with the help of Marvin and his Fly Tying Love Center. Enjoy….

The newly-formed love firm of Dewey Decker and Emily Stickles (she of the incredible cheekbones and watchful county eye) began yet another sensation here in the valley.

Ever since Dewey told Emily he was actually in the manure business and not just enamored of the stuff itself, and ever since Emily admitted to Dewey that she liked him as a man and not as a subject for a doctoral dissertation on rural nutty people, there has been a difference in the community. The sun seems to shine a little more golden on us all, the cattle in the pastures seem cleaner and happier, the kids seem to catch more fish down in Lewis Creek, and the Farmer Brothers coffee at the Mule Barn truck stop has a certain Starbuckian finish to it.

Dewey and Emily are in love and we’re in love with the whole idea.

Marvin Pincus, he of the Fly Tying Love Center, immediately took credit for yet another happy romance when he learned that the stonefly nymph on a number six that he’d tied for Dewey to help his love life actually pinned the two together after one of Dewey’s “accidents.”

Marvin’s only fear was his fly tying might become so popular and effective that there would be no more lonely people left and he’d have to go back to tying flies just to catch fish.

The guys at the Mule Barn raised their cups in a porcelain salute as the newly-in-love couple drove past in Dewey’s pickup. Dewey and Emily grinned and waved back. We noticed Dewey’s sign, Environmental Enrichment Services, was proudly back on the truck’s doors again.

“Do you suppose,” Doc asked us, “Dewey will get Emily her own shovel for her birthday?”

We nodded. “That’d be ol’ Dewey all right,” said Steve.

In the truck, Dewey was one of those two-headed drivers because Miss Emily had laid her head on his shoulder as he drove.

“Honey?” said Emily. “Do you realize the two of us are driving around the valley aimlessly in a manure truck?”


“And I think it’s great, Dewey.”

“Well, you’ve certainly enriched my environment, Sweetheart. Is it okay to say that? Good.”

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