Merry Christmas – Happy Hanukkah – Happy Kwanzaa

A friend sent me this meme and I couldn’t resist the urge to share it here. It perfectly captures the attitude of a cat, although perhaps not all cats. I’ve had some that were aloof, and some that were not.

This doesn’t reflect my attitude about the holidays, either. It’s a wonderful, magical time for families and friends to gather for good meals and great fun. I hope that is true for you this holiday season.

Slim Randles is my guest today to share this sweet story that shows a true spirit of Christmas. Enjoy!

Mabel Adams was sitting in the day room at the Rest of Your Life retirement home when the children came in. She smiled and so did all the others in the room except for two who didn’t know what was going on.

The old-timers in the home knew the kids were coming and had put up Christmas decorations around in the day room and on the doors of their own small apartments and on themselves. Mabel had been reminded several times by the staff that morning that the kids were coming over, this being necessary as Mabel’s memory isn’t what it used to be. And she put a sprig of imitation holly in her hair and tied a red ribbon on the other side.

The little girl smiled and walked over to Mabel.

“Are you a grandma?” she asked.

“Why, yes dear, I am.”

“I brought you a present, Grandma,” she said, handing a box to Mabel. Mabel opened it and was delighted at the sandalwood-scented hankies inside.

“Thank you so much, Honey!” she said. “And what is your name?”

“I’m Candice. I’m four.”

“Well, Candice, Merry Christmas to you. Have you been here before?”

“Um … no, I guess. Mom said this is where the grandmas are and we can have fun bringing presents to the grandmas.”

“I see,” Mabel said. “Well, Candice, come over here, dear and let me give you a hug. There!”

Sometimes, it isn’t the cost of the hankies, or the fun wrapping them up. Sometimes it’s just a child’s smile and a small taste of love that makes us treasure Christmas.


Just to show how many wonderful people live in your town, go out and so something to help someone else. Just cuz. Merry Christmas.


I’ll not be online much over the next couple of weeks so I can celebrate Christmas and New Years with family and friends. I hope that all of you have many opportunities to do likewise. Share the Holiday cheer, and I’ll see you in the New Year.

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