My First Bouchercon

What an experience! The Sunday before Bouchercon 2019 started I could hardly walk. I had horrible muscle spasms in my back, and I was so afraid I’d have to cancel out, but a couple of days of rest and some good meds later, I was set to go. I still have the Trigeminal nerve pain in my head, so lots of meds went with me so I could handle the light and noise. When it all became too much for my sensitive ear and sensitive eye, I went to my room at the hotel and rested. Pacing myself that way allowed me to go to another panel, as well as attend most of the evening events, which were quite nice.

I didn’t make it to the Halloween costume party Thursday night, but I did see some great costumes before I went upstairs. I even got to meet Sherlock Holmes.

It’s hard to say what was the best part of the three and a half days. But high on the list was meeting so many interesting people from all over the world; Australia, India, England and Canada. Unfortunately, I didn’t get everybody’s name, but I did write down Michele’s name.

She’s an electrician from Delaware and an avid reader. We had a good conversation about women in what is normally seen as a man’s profession and what has changed and what has not.

We met at the hospitality area on Friday morning. BTW, the hospitality was wonderful. There was coffee, a nice variety of teas, fresh fruit and some yummy muffins.

On Friday afternoon I met this lady from Australia, and we ended up having an hour-long lunch, talking about her homeland compared to mine, and of course, talking about books. This one of the names I failed to get, so she shall remain nameless, but not forgotten.

NOTE: Through the magic of social media, we now have a name, Naomi Nixon. Thank you, Naomi, for contacting me on Facebook. Now we can stay in touch.

Don’t you all just love how that can work in such a positive way?

I met so many authors and got so many books, I’ve lost count, and definitely didn’t get enough pictures. However, I did have a photo-opp with Hank Philippi Ryan and Terry Shames. They are terrific authors, and I encourage you to take a look at their books.

Another author I was so pleased to meet was Rosemary Poole-Carter, whose book Only Charlotte I reviewed here this past August.

I visited with Kevin Tipple, a long-time online friend, whom I’d never met in person. He’s a fellow writer and the president of the Short Mystery Fiction Society. We were so busy catching up on the many lists we belong to online, we never did get a picture together.

I met Kristine Hall from Lone Star Literary Life and am excited about being a client as well as a member of the blogging and editorial team. If you’re not familiar with the site, I highly recommend you check it out, but maybe after you finish reading here 🙂

I learned quite a bit from the various speakers. One quote from Rachel Howzell Hall, a writer who came from L.A. really made me stop and think. “Everybody is not the same, yet everybody is the same.”

From the panel on researching and writing historical fiction came the suggestion that it is more than just getting the dates and other facts right. Good historical research involves teasing out the unspoken assumptions of the time, especially when writing about how characters interact.

Talking about police procedural mysteries, author Dana King commented that he considers a book a good story when it is “Less about how the cops work the case, and more about how the case works the cops.”

That’s something I’ve heard before in similar language, but it was good to have the reminder as I continue to try to finish the third book in the Seasons Series. I also realized that one of the problems I’m having is that I haven’t decided if this will be the last book. Keeping Dana’s comment in mind, I think it’s time to start back at the beginning again with a rewrite, and I think the answer to the question will make itself clear.

That’s all from me for today, folks. I think the post-conference let-down has affected my energy level and my body keeps wanting to take a nap. LOL Maybe I should let it.

8 thoughts on “My First Bouchercon”

  1. So happy you were able to attend most events. Sounds very interesting and fun to meet so many authors from other countries and states. Hopefully you will get rested soon!

  2. Maryann, meeting you was a highlight of Bouchercon for me! Thank you for this re-cap–letting me relive the adventure with you. Such a warm, welcoming atmosphere! Bouchercon committee and Hyatt staff put on a wonderful conference. Now for a nap, and then, back to writing!

    1. mcm0704

      Wow, I’m thrilled that our meeting was a highlight for you, as it was for me. And silly me, I didn’t get a picture of us. My brain was not working properly, and we had so much fun talking about theatre and plays we didn’t think about photo-opps. I think you have to be really, really famous to always have that on your mind. LOL

  3. MrsHallWays – Retired Texas librarian and former owner of Lone Star Literary Life.

    Wow! How exciting that I made the cut among such amazing people and an amazing event! I am so glad we met each other — I am looking forward to what is sure to be a wonderful bookish relationship!

    1. mcm0704

      Thanks for stopping by the blog Kristine. I kept forgetting to take pictures, which is something I do so often, even at family events. I’m usually so focused on visiting with folks, I just don’t think of it. And I agree that we may just have a wonderful bookish relationship. 🙂

  4. I loved being there too but someone *cough* had me tied to the Lone Star Lit table! LOL So glad you are joining the team and so many authors I saw from across the room but just didn’t get to say Hi….but so many I was able to have at least a brief conversation. I might have to go again.

    1. mcm0704

      I enjoyed meeting you, too, Leslie. And that Kristine. What a slave-driver. LOL Was this your first Bcon, too? It was quite overwhelming to me. There were almost as many people there as the number living in the small town I just moved from. Whew!!

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