The Perfect Christmas Gift

My friend, Slim Randles is back as today’s Wednesday’s Guest, sharing what some of his friends are dreaming about as the perfect holiday gift. Enjoy….

There is a secret selfish longing we all share this time of year. It is traditional to give gifts at Christmas, of course, but there’s always the chance that those who adore us for our sterling qualities won’t give us what we really want or unquestioningly deserve. Therefore … we are allowed to have Christmas present dreams.

Just take Doc. He knows he’ll be getting neckties from the grand-kids and socks and underwear from Mrs. Doc. His daughters? Well, they’re the wild cards. They work hard each year to get Doc something different and special. But for Doc, when he sits quietly and dreams, there’s just that nine-foot Sage fly rod. Oh yes. With that, he’ll be able to feel the fish breathe down in Lewis Creek.

Photo Courtesy of Front Range Anglers

Anita Campbell knows Dud will give her clothes that look really good to him but are either the wrong size or the wrong color, or they are a style she wouldn’t wear to the grand opening of a septic tank. But she always wears them for one day, anyway, and it’s a day when Dud is home and she knows she doesn’t have to go anywhere.

Her secret Christmas dream has a lot to do with warm, sandy beaches, a tall, fruity adult beverage with an umbrella in it, and surfing lessons. She’s willing to compromise, of course, because of the expense. It doesn’t have to have an umbrella.

Photo Courtesy of Breathing Space Blog

Steve, like many cowboys, has been gratifying his secret Christmas dreams in the well-worn pages of catalogs. His compadres in the bunkhouse will shower him with Snoose, of course, as that is his drug of choice, but for himself, there’s that pair of Tony Lama boots. Oh yes, the ones with the filigree-looking tops. He knows he’ll just naturally ride Ol’ Snort better if he’s wearing them.

Photo Courtesy of The Rusty Zipper Vintage Clothes

You know, every bride has this registry thingie she uses so Aunt Mims won’t get her a butter dish that doesn’t match the sugar bowl, so why doesn’t someone come up with a Christmas dream registry? You’re welcome. No charge.
 If you like what Slim shares here, you would enjoy his books. Check out his author page on Amazon if you have a moment. His books are a delight, and they make perfect gifts for folks on your Christmas list.

Slim has sponsors for all of his columns, and this month it is Beltone Hearing Aids,  so we do have to do this little ad: Give the gift of hearing this Christmas. Start your loved one off with a free hearing test at BELTONE. Call 1-866-867-8700.

Grandma thought he said “you’re the crest,” ‘til she took her free hearing test.

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2 thoughts on “The Perfect Christmas Gift”

  1. I still mourn the pair of Frye boots I bought – intending to lose just a few pounds – and never did, and then the kids came along, and as a gift, made my feet a half size larger EACH – and I never did wear those boots.

    Ah, the things in our memories!


    PS All I want for my Christmas dream is to be able to ski again, even if it’s just a little and on the bunny hill.

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