Book Launch – Mental Pause

A new book, Mental Pause, launched on March 8th, International Women’s Day, and is available on Amazon in both print and on Kindle. The author, Anne O’Connell, is on a blog tour, and will be my Wednesday’s Guest this week. I do hope you will come back and help her feel welcome.

I have this book on my TBR list, but was not able to read it in time to do a review. I am in production for a show at the local community theatre, both directing and acting, and when I am doing a play, I stay immersed in that story and don’t read anything else. It does get tedious reading the same story over and over, but it is the best way for me to learn lines and get the nuances of characterization. Enough about me, though. I do look forward to reading the book in the future as it sounds like a good read, and it is already getting some terrific reviews on Amazon.

Here is what one early reader had to say:  “Abbie is riding the hormonal roller coaster and hanging on for dear life. She finds herself in a body she no longer recognizes, a marriage that feels overwhelming, and she questions her very sanity. Her existence has become one big hot flash inflamed by killer moods. A chance meeting seems to give her the escape she’s desperate for but at what cost? Accused of murder she finds herself in a jail cell accompanied by her regrets and the gnawing fear that her life may be changed forever. It’s a kind of mental pause that Abbie has never imagined, in a story that offers no letup from start to satisfying finish. Change of life, anyone? Mental Pause promises to take you way beyond.” Stacey Donovan, author/editor, Donovan edits.

The book crosses genre lines; chick lit and mystery, but apparently it is doing it well.

Author and freelance writer, Anne O’Connell, originally from Halifax, Nova Scotia, has lived in Toronto, Florida, Dubai and now Thailand since 2011. Since 2007, she has worked as a freelance copywriter, writing coach and consultant, specializing in social media, marketing, corporate communications and public relations. She is a regular contributor to Global Living Magazine and Expat Focus. In between clients she squeezes in time for her newly-found passion – writing fiction. She and her husband have a passion for travel as well, and that adventurous spirit has taken them all over the world. She is the author of @Home in Dubai   *  Getting Connected Online and on the Ground, 10 Steps to a Successful PR Campaign – a Do-it-Yourself Guide for Authors and Mental Pause, her first novel.

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