Friday’s Odds and Ends

Say it isn’t so: The comic strip Baby Blues had a story about the liltle girl, Zoe, being invited to a “shopping party” for a friend’s birthday. For the party, everyone goes to a mall and the birthday girl gets to pick out presents which the guests then buy the gifts. Wanda, Zoe’s mother comments, “So, it cuts right to the greed.”

Thanks, Wanda, you said it all.

A flyer came in the mail with a coupon for a new water enhancer, MiO, for all those folks who need a flavor for their water.

Hmmm…. Why not drink soda, or Kool Aid, or some liquid that already has a flavor.  Water is just water.

Two teachers in the Dallas ISD have been charged with sex crimes and suspended. Letters were not sent home with students informing parents of this because officials thought that could interfere with the investigation.

Wouldn’t officials want to know if these sex crimes involved any of the kids at the school where the teachers were employed? Seems to me the parents had a right to know about the investigation and have an opportunity to offer information that might be pertinent.

OMG- The Oxford dictionary has added some Internet-inspired expressions to its latest online edition.

In 2008 a district court in Texas declared Ben Spencer innocent. He had been tried and convicted on charges of murder and robbery in 1987 and has spent the last 24 years in jail. Despite the district court’s declaration of innocence, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals has not started the process to release him.

Talk about a travesty. It is not like the district court judge simply ordered a new trial. Apparently there was sufficient evidence of innocence that the judge made a direct ruling. Certainly that should carry some weight with the Court of Criminal Appeals.

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