Friday’s Odds and Ends

In an interview with Walter Scott for Parade Magazine, Jane Fonda was asked if she was surprised to fall in love again, with record producer Richard Perry. “Totally. But it doesn’t start with love, right? It starts with sex and grows into love.”
I guess as long as we continue to consider sex recreation, we will continue to have high rates of abortion, single mothers, and widespread STDs. Call me old-fashioned, but I think the most intimate connection we can have with another person ought to be with someone we have grown to love first.
During a recent Commissioner’s Court meeting in Dallas, Commissioner John Wiley Price responded to provocative comments during the public comment portion of the meeting with an angry outburst. He said, “All of you are white. Go to hell.” Price has a long history of placing the race card, so some of his responses are to be expected. But as several columnists and editorial writers for The Dallas Morning News have said, he could do so with a lot more decorum.
Seven teenagers in Pennsylvania attacked a 13-year old boy. They beat him, tossed him into a tree, and hung him from a metal fence post. The attack went on for 30 minutes in a public place, the boy crying for help the entire time. The perpetrators videotaped the whole thing and posted the video on YouTube.
Over and above the atrocity, what is really sad about this story is the fact that it has become another form of recreation. Kids fighting each other or some hapless stranger and making a slasher video of it has become an Internet rage.
Anne Rasmussen of Dallas took her first college class when she was 72, and went on to get a bachelor’s and a master’s degree. Now, at age 80 she is about to become the oldest person to enter SMU’s law school. In an interview in The Dallas Morning News with columnist Steve Blow, she said, “I can’t just sit and stare at the walls.”
Kudos to Anne and all the people like her who believe in living life to the fullest and following whatever dream they have and not letting age stand in the way.
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7 thoughts on “Friday’s Odds and Ends”

  1. This isn’t the first time Jane Fonda has stuck her foot in her mouth. She was well known for that in the 1960s.

    Oh, well, I suppose it falls under freedom of speech and it’s a good thing most people don’t agree with that ideal.

  2. I was shocked at the Jane Fonda story, I heard she got saved a long time ago, I hope the quote is an old one! Regarding the boy who was beaten, I think we have an epidemic of lack of empathy here, largely caused by video games and TV, etc. and lack of people connecting with one another. Good blog, Maryann!

  3. Did you expect a better remark from Fonda?
    Those seven teens, if you interview the parents they will probably say, “My child isn’t like this.” Yet if you go into the past you most likely will find bullies from a young age and parents who said “not my child.”

    Obviously the only people talking age are the ones looking at Ann. She’s sure not thinking about it. GO ANN!

  4. Mary, I’m not sure if anyone was that concerned about Anne’s age. THe story I read was so positive and was celebrating what she has accomplished.

    As far as those boys go, that type of violence and sharing it on the Internet has become the latest sick fad.

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