Short Stories

The Gift

Ralph has been like a grizzly bear in a dark cave for too long, and Stacey gets a wild idea to buy him a puppy for Christmas. Maybe that will make him smile. But that plan gets detoured when she meets a homeless man who has much more to be depressed about than Ralph.

“The Gift” is a story to warm your heart at the holiday season, or any day of the year. It comes from the author who won the Page Edwards Short Story Award for “Maybe Someday,” one of the stories in her collection THE WISDOM OF AGES, which is also available on Amazon.


“The Gift is a gift for all readers who need a bit of heartwarming joy to brighten the day.” Glenda, Vine Voice reviewer on Amazon

“A lovely short story of patience, kindness and love. What better could come from a Christmas story?” Chatty Cathy on Amazon

Purchase The Gift

The Last Dollar

A feel-good story about the magic of Christmas that can be enjoyed any time of the year. Available for all electronic reading devices from Untreed Reads.

“A sweet and heartwarming short story.” Elle Carter Neal on Amazon

“It’s a great Christmas story to remind us what it’s all about.” L.C. Hayden on Amazon

Purchase The Last Dollar

Escaping Raul

The dark streets of Dallas. A young girl alone, sucked into the sex trade and controlled by a vicious man. Tracy is desperate to escape,but she never anticipates the price she will have to pay.

A short story from the award-winning author of the critically-acclaimed Seasons Mystery Series. First published in Suspense Magazine and the inspiration for Stalking Season, the second book in the Seasons Series.


“It is a well-written page-turner. The ending packs a gut punch.” Madelon Wilson Vine Voice Reviewer on Amazon.

 “…the end was a shocker – I never saw it coming. I definitely recommend this book.” Machigua on Amazon

Purchase Escaping Raul


Technology may be on the verge of having sophisticated home computers that can run an entire household, but have the scientists taken into consideration the human factor? When SAHM, a Sensor Activated Home Manager, is field tested at the O’Neal home, he’s up against the biggest challenge a computer has ever faced; one Shanna O’Neal.


“SAHM I Am is a fun look at our possible future.” Yolanda on Amazon

“Light as a soufflé and goes down just as easily. Every woman who’s been told — by her loving DH, maybe? lol — how she could run her house better, faster, more efficiently, will identify. I know I did. Just kick back and enjoy!” Ruth on Amazon

Purchase SAHM I Am

Making it Home

Change is always hard, but especially so for a young girl who loses her parents and has to “make a new home.” Nancy loved the farm and everything about it and knows she will hate living in the city. Or will she?


“Making it Home is a sweet tale of growth and love” Yolanda on Amazon

Purchase Making It Home

The Visitor

A retelling of the classic Goldilocks and the Three Bears in modern day. A camping trip becomes most interesting when a stranger shows up and the Cantrell family has to find out who has been sneaking into their cabin.


“What a wonderful retake on Goldilocks!!” Josie on Amazon

“This was a wonderful short story that will leave you wondering, what would I do?” S. Wenger on Amazon

“A lesson in compassion.” Lillian on Amazon

Purchase The Visitor

The Killer Wore Cranberry: A Fifth Course of Chaos

My short story, “No Starch in the Turkey, Please,” was accepted for an anthology of fun, mystery short stories. The good people at Untreed Reads have published four editions of The Killer Wore Cranberry anthologies, each with new stories, and I was thrilled to be included in the fifth edition.

Just when you thought it was safe to head to the table for Thanksgiving feasting, the Killer Wore Cranberry series is back with a fifth course of pure chaos!

The Killer Wore Cranberry has been acclaimed worldwide for its wicked combination of humor and Thanksgiving-themed mysteries, and this year’s installment is sure to carry on everyone’s new, favorite holiday tradition.

This year’s contributions come from 14 of today’s best and brightest short mystery authors that could be seated at one dinner table: Barbara Metzger, Arthur Carey, Earl Staggs, KM Rockwood, Herschel Cozine, Kelley Lortz, Bobbi A. Chukran, Lesley A. Diehl, Albert Tucher, Maryann Miller, Liz Milliron, Terrance V. Mc Arthur, Betsy Bitner and DG Critchley. And, back by popular demand, Lisa Wagner provides delicious recipes, proving that murder and mystery work best on a full stomach.

So have a seat, pick up your fork and knife (on second thought, maybe not the knife) and get ready to have so many laughs it’s criminal!


“A good group of short stories.” V. L. Stubblefield on Amazon

“A solid mix of short mysteries.” Dave Goudsward on Amazon

Purchase The Killer Wore Cranberry: A Fifth Course of Chaos EBOOK Available ** PAPERBACK Available

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