Monday Morning Musings

This one will be short as I was gone for the weekend and am still trying to play catch-up with my farm work and my office work. Then, too, I want to take time to join my knitting group for a while and just have fun.

What I’m Reading: The Death of Anyone by David Swykert. It’s a police-procedural with a female homicide detective as the main character and is set in Detroit. Two reasons it was of interest to me. I grew up near Detroit, so I looked forward to this fictional visit back, and of course I like lead detectives who are strong, capable women. So far it is pretty good.

What I’m Dismayed About: My neighbor’s dogs got out Thursday night and one of them got in my back pasture and attacked my sheep. I spent all day Friday dealing with that: taking her to the veterinarian clinic, then getting her back home, talking to my neighbor about his responsibility, forcing some electrolytes into the sheep late in the day because she wasn’t eating. Luckily, she seems to be doing better today, but I’m doubting my neighbor will help with the bills.

This is Miss Marie, who was bottle fed as a lamb and very much a pet.

What I’m Happy About: I spent the weekend with some of my kids. Paul and Dany, and we had a jam session with a friend, Cora. Paul and Dany and Cora are all in a church choir together, and when I visit I get to sing with the choir, too. Getting together like this is always great fun as we sing some old songs my father taught us, like “My Grandfather’s Clock”, some John Denver tunes, and some from The Beatles. Sometimes we even slip in a few church songs, too.

Me, Paul and Dany. They are twins and my babies. LOL

Cora, the lead guitarist at church. Paul playing keyboard. In the first picture he was playing guitar. Show off. LOL

Instead of a Joke I thought I would close today with a video. This is a recording of “My Grandfather’s Clock” by Tom Roush. It’s a slightly faster rendition of the one my father taught me, but very nice. I noted that Tom has a CD with a lot of old songs, so I am tempted to do some shopping.

So, how was your weekend? What are your plans for the week?

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5 thoughts on “Monday Morning Musings”

  1. Great song, seems I may have heard it at some time. Think I will try to add it to my harmonica repertory. Hope the sheep gets better, did you remind the neighbor that, “good fences make good neighbors.” There fence, not yours. For an old guy like me it always makes me smile when I hear of someone who plays keyboard or guitar in church, they do in ours also and a drummer too. My mom would have had a coronary.

  2. Neil, the choir my son and daughter belong to has an organ, a grand piano, a keyboard, flute, guitars and drums – and awesome singers. Talks about “singing praise to our God.”

    The sheep is getting better day by day. The day I confronted my neighbor he told me that he had no idea how the dogs got out that night. Then he said the dogs really weren’t his. Yeah, right…

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