Wednesday’s Guest – Nancy Madore

Please help me welcome Nancy Madore today. Pull up a chair and get acquainted. Virtual coffee and cookies available.While Nancy is entertaining you here, I’m over at Dru’s Book Musings where Angel, one of the characters in the Seasons Mystery Series, is sharing what it is like to be a homicide detective.

 Hello everyone  and thank you, Maryann, for having me. 

I just released The Hidden Ones, the first in my new series, Legacy of the Watchers, which digs up the past (ancient Mesopotamia) in search of answers to a modern day mystery. It is historical fiction with paranormal elements.

How did you come to write in the genre you chose?

I didn’t really choose the genre; the story did. It’s a story I wanted to write my entire life. Ever since childhood (and my religious upbringing) I’ve been fascinated with ancient Mesopotamia and its many mysteries which remain unsolved to this day. The timing couldn’t be better for exploring the possibilities, as science fiction has never been more versatile, blending with other genres and even luring women readers like never before.

Have you always wanted to be a writer, or have you come to writing after another career?

I always wanted to write. The question was never ‘if.’ It was ‘when.’ But I married and started a family while I was still quite young. This consumed my life to the point where I put off writing, promising myself I would begin the minute the kids left home. Strangely enough, this is exactly what I did.

What is your fondest childhood memory?

I feel like I should have some monumental moment to share, but the truth is my childhood was unremarkable. I was a loner, awkward and shy, with my head constantly buried in a book. I was always being reprimanded for ‘daydreaming.’  And I suppose it must have been true because my childhood did sort of pass in a haze. But I distinctly remember one autumn day, walking home from school, alone, my feet crunching on the fallen leaves, the sky a brilliant blue, the sun glimmering through the leaves in that way that blinds you a little, with nowhere to be, just experiencing the utter pleasure of being happy and free. Life seemed full of possibilities! I think of that day every year when the leaves start to turn, and sometimes I’ll even venture out for a long walk to try and recapture that wonderful feeling.

What is a typical writing day like for you?

Every day is more or less the same for me. I wake up, read something literary for a half an hour, then I get my coffee, situate myself in front of my computer and write. I’ll write until I have a minimum of a thousand words.  My writing takes precedence over everything (literally, a hurricane could be coming and I wouldn’t evacuate until my thousand words were in). Then I’ll start my day. Depending on the kind of writing day I’m having, this could be anywhere from noon to 3:00 in the afternoon.  Normally, I could now be persuaded to stop working, but since I have a new book out, I still have another three or four hours of promoting. On a bad day, I’m still working late into the night.

What is the most unusual or interesting research you have done for your books?

I’ve done a lot of interesting research over the years. When I was writing erotica for Harlequin, I did a lot of research on women’s sexuality. I had originally planned to write strong female characters in dominant positions, but I was surprised to learn that the dominant female is more of a man’s fantasy than a woman’s (in the bedroom, at least). I was even more surprised to learn that one of women’s most popular fantasies during sex is to imagine themselves different, better, “perfect.” This led to more research, which seemed to indicate that the media is not only having a negative effect on women’s self-esteem, but their sexuality as well. It is an interesting topic I would like to see authors explore more.

What is the hardest thing about writing?

Being consistent. That’s why I do it every day, even on weekends. Like anything else, it’s the accumulation of little efforts that brings about success. If you think in terms of the finished product, it can be very intimidating. I always focus on what I’m going to write that day.

Where do your stories begin? With character or plot?

The Legacy of the Watchers series is really about the characters I grew up with—the angels who ‘fell’ to earth, their giant offspring who would later become the ancient ‘gods,’ Solomon,  and his djinn—all of these had been simmering in my consciousness for decades, just waiting to be brought back to life.

Nancy Madore achieved enormous critical acclaim writing ‘female friendly’ erotica in her Enchanted series. Now, following her life-long interest in history and mythology, Nancy Madore is making her debut into the historical and science fiction genres with her new series, Legacy of the Watchers, beginning with The Hidden Ones.


Thanks for coming by. Have a cookie.
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5 thoughts on “Wednesday’s Guest – Nancy Madore”

  1. Nancy, thanks so much for being my guest here today.

    I’m curious about your decision to move away from writing erotica. I know that is a very lucrative genre in which to write, and I’ll admit to being a bit surprised that you would stop to do something else. Can you share a little about why you changed course?

  2. Unfortunately the message I sent to Nancy the other day to let her know what the link was to the blog, went to her spam folder. She just found it today, which is why she did not come by to comment.

  3. Hey Maryann,
    Sorry for the delay!
    I enjoyed writing erotica, but I had so many other interests as well. I have wanted to write about ancient Mesopotamia since I was kid and with science fiction becoming so mainstream this seemed like a good time. People think I’m crazy. I was a bestselling author in erotica and now I am starting over again. But I don’t regret it at all. I’m so into this story that I think I would want to finish writing it even if no one actually wanted to read it!

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