Book Release Party – Catch Fire

I am so happy to be part of the Catch Fire Blog Party, celebrating the release of CassaFire by Alex J. Cavanaugh. Lots of bloggers are taking part, and we all have cake and other goodies to share. I have some great elderberry wine, but you might want to be careful. The last time I served elderberry wine as Martha Brewster in Arsenic and Old Lace, it was not a pleasant experience for the gentlemen. If you prefer, I can offer some great coffee from our little coffee shop in town, Art & Espresso. That seems appropriate for a party for an author.
All of us are putting on our party hats and breaking out the goodies to help CassaFire “catch fire” on the best seller charts and achieve the success of the first book, CassaStar, which made the Amazon top ten best seller list. The party favors for today include copies of CassaFire, CassaStar, tote bag, mug, and bookmarks, and there will be more book giveaways during his two-week blog tour. See Alex’s blog for details.
So now, just a little intro to CassaFire: 
CassaStar was just the beginning…
The Vindicarn War is a distant memory and Byron’s days of piloting Cosbolt fighters are over. He has kept the promise he made to his fallen mentor and friend – to probe space on an exploration vessel. Shuttle work is dull, but it’s a free and solitary existence. The senior officer is content with his life aboard the Rennather.
The detection of alien ruins sends the exploration ship to the distant planet of Tgren. If their scientists can decipher the language, they can unlock the secrets of this device. Is it a key to the Tgren’s civilization or a weapon of unimaginable power? Tensions mount as their new allies are suspicious of the Cassan’s technology and strange mental abilities. 
To complicate matters, the Tgrens are showing signs of mental powers themselves; the strongest of which belongs to a pilot named Athee, a woman whose skills rival Byron’s unique abilities. Forced to train her mind and further develop her flying aptitude, he finds his patience strained. Add a reluctant friendship with a young scientist, and he feels invaded on every level. All Byron wanted was his privacy…
The book is available today! If you are a sci-fi fan, you won’t be disappointed.
Science fiction – space opera/adventure.


“…calls to mind the youthful focus of Robert Heinlein’s early military sf, as well as the excitement of space opera epitomized by the many Star Wars novels. Fast-paced military action and a youthful protagonist make this a good choice for both young adult and adult fans of space wars.” – Library Journal

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