Friday’s Odds and Ends

It might seem a bit odd to be doing this in the dead of winter, but I have been digging in my garden the last few days, turning a few rows a day. I remember when I used to be able to turn the whole plot in an afternoon. That young person is hidden somewhere under these older muscles that don’t care for that kind of work anymore. Here in Texas we plant our first garden the end of January.

Republicans made history Thursday by staging the first-ever reading of the entire Constitution on the House floor as the legislative session began. While that was a noble gesture, I hope those serving in Congress will pay more than lip-service to the document.

Again, I marvel at the short sightedness of government leaders. Obama recently enacted a freeze on the salaries of government employees, starting with the ones at the bottom of the ladder. How about cutting salaries from the top down for a change? Did you know that the man who runs the U.S. Chamber of Commerce earns close to $3.9 million a year?

I am saddened and dismayed at news of the school shooting in Nebraska. We lived in Omaha for almost ten years and know families who had children at Millard South High School. Thankfully, those students have already graduated, so they were not personally affected by this tragedy, but my heart goes out to current students and staff who are dealing with all the ramifications. Back in 1993 I wrote a book about school violence, Coping with Weapons and Violence In Your School and On Your Streets, and I remember hoping that the violence young people deal with would lessen as time went on. This was before Columbine and other school shootings, and I am sad to say my wish did not come true.

To end on a brighter note. I read back in November about a couple who “gave the ultimate gift.” Their 13-year old daughter, Taylor was killed in a skiing accident and her parents donated her organs, a gift that saved five lives. The parents then created a Web site for potential organ donors to sign up.  If you have ever thought about being an organ donor but just haven’t gotten around to doing it, visit that site. The process for signing up is quick and easy and just may save a life.

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5 thoughts on “Friday’s Odds and Ends”

  1. The salaries at the top of both government and corporate boggles the mind!
    Thank you for mentioning organ donors – it’s easily done by driver’s license in many states and is such a worthwhile gift.

  2. Thanks for stopping by Laura. Reading that story about the organ donations was a good reminder to me to make sure my family knows I want to be an organ donor. It is important to let family know so they can support that decision if the situation ever arises.

  3. It will be planting time soon. Right now it’s wrap the pipes time. My husband was planting bluebonnet seeds this weekend. I pointed out it wasn’t the right time of year. He figured now was better than never.

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